Fri, Nov. 23rd, 2007, 11:41 am
"Алиса": киноафиши

Alice's Adventures in Wonderland (1972)

Далее: афиши фильмов Мэрэлина Мэнсона, Яна Шванкмаера, порно-фильма 1976, Диснеевского и и фильмов 1903, 1931, 1966, 1985, 1987 и 1999 годов:

Alice in Wonderland (1931)

Alice Through the Looking Glass (1987)

Alice in Wonderland (X) (1976)

Neco z Alenky / Alice
Год выхода: 1988
Режиссер: Ян Шванкмайер /Jan Svankmajer/

Phantasmagoria: The Visions of Lewis Carroll
Режиссёр- Мэрилин Мэнсон.
Фантасмагория: Видения Льюиса Кэрролла
(2008). Готовится к выходу

Alice in Wonderland is a 1903 silent film directed by Cecil Hepworth and starring May Clark in this more twisted version of Wonderland.

It has a total of eight minutes in length but it was the longest movie to date. There are good special effects for the early 1900s of Alice shrinking and growing in the doll house.

Parts of the movie are lost but what remains is available as a bonus feature on the 1966 BBC DVD. There is only one known copy of this film remaining (except, of course, the BBC re-issues from 1966) so the British Film Institute are unable to restore the missing parts.

Дисней, 1951

Alice in Wonderland (1966) was an adaptation for BBC television

This 1985 adaptation of Lewis Carroll's books Alice's Adventures in Wonderland and Through the Looking-Glass was a two-part special made for television and used a huge all-star cast of notable actors and actresses. The role of Alice was played by Natalie Gregory. Alice in Wonderland was first telecast Dec 9, 1985, (part one) and Dec 10, 1985 (part two), at 8:00pm EST on CBS. The movie was released on DVD August 1st, 2006.

Alice in Wonderland was a television movie first broadcast in 1999 on NBC

Cinematic adaptations

* Alice in Wonderland (1903 film) - the first Alice movie by Cecil M. Hepworth. Parts of the movie are lost but what remains is available as a bonus feature on the 1966 BBC DVD;
* Alice in Wonderland (1933 film) - motion picture
* Alice in Wonderland (1951 film) - motion picture produced by Lou Bunin, blending live actors with stop-motion animated puppets, nicknamed "the lost Alice." Suppressed by Disney to avoid competition with their release the same year
* Disney's Alice in Wonderland animated feature, released in 1951. It popularized the iconic image of Alice in America as a pretty blonde girl in a white pinafore and a blue dress. The character designs owe much to the original iconic Tenniel illustrations. The Disney feature combines story elements from both Alice books. It is notable for its distinctly psychedelic visual feel.
* Alice in Wonderland (1966 film) - directed by Jonathan Miller for BBC television;
* Alice of Wonderland in Paris - 1966 animated movie [2]
* Alice in Wonderland (or What’s a Nice Kid Like You Doing in a Place Like This?) - Animated 1966 TV-movie by Hanna-Barbera.
* Alice's Adventures in Wonderland (1972 film) - motion picture
* Alice in Wonderland (1981 film) (Russian: "Алиса в Стране Чудес"--transliteration: "Alisa in the Country of Miracles") - Soviet animated motion picture by Efim Pruzhanskiy [3]
* Alice in Wonderland (1985 film) - motion picture
* Alice (1988 film) - animated motion picture by Jan Švankmajer
* Alice in Wonderland (1999 film) - made for television movie