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Пишет Misha Verbitsky ([info]tiphareth)
@ 2009-12-15 07:59:00

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Настроение: sick
Музыка:Coil - LIVE IN FANO
Entry tags:anti-russia, politics, putin

Сталин и его банда
Стомахин, кстати, жжот
Не хуже Широпаева.

Уважаю дико. Старейший политзек путинофашизма,
между прочим.

Я был вполне себе ымперцем, в том же
духе, что НБП, лет 10-15 назад. Примерно тогда,
как Стомахина посадили, перестал. Потому что раз
этот режим сажает человека за взгляды, значит
это правильные взгляды, это очевидно же.

Стомахин наше все, без шуток.


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2009-12-18 16:26 (ссылка)
Sir, Further to Sir Stuart Bell’s letter (“Churchill and Stalin”, Dec 5), in 1953 Nikita Khrushchev paid an official visit to the UK. The Prime Minister Anthony Eden, gave a dinner in his honour at No 10. Winston Churchill was one of the guests. He was then of advanced age and, during dinner, ate little and said less.

After the meal the guests went to an adjoining room. Churchill sat on a sofa and was joined by Khrushchev. I was the interpreter. No one else was present.

Churchill said that he had read Khrushchev’s recent speech at the 20th Party Congress, in which he had criticised Stalin. Khrushchev was clearly surprised as the speech was supposed to be “secret”. Churchill went on to say that Khrushchev must never criticise Stalin again. He said that countries had few genuine heroes to treasure. Whatever other things Stalin had done, he had been instrumental in winning the war and his country was in his debt. No one else in the world could talk to Khrushchev in these terms. He made no comment.

On his return to the Soviet Union he made no further criticism of Stalin. Whether this was the result of Churchill’s reprimand or not we shall never know.

Sir John Morgan

London SW1

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Черчіль вообще бил не дурак
2009-12-20 06:49 (ссылка)
когда в 1940м брітанци без особого ентузіазма смотрелі на перспектіву іх участія в войне протів націонал-соціалізма

Черчіль 'обеспечіл' бомбежкі немцамі брітанскіх городов

і такім образом мотівіровал націю к сопротівленію

Что там Черчіль кому сказал особенно крысе хрущеву могло иметь самый разный смысл

и познаваемо только в кнтексте внимательного анализа ситуации

Черчиль прекрасно понимал следующее

The aims of disinformation at this time were to conceal from the
West the dimensions of the internal crisis in the communist world, to
blur the differences in policy of the contenders for the succession, to
hide the savagery of the struggle, and to misrepresent the process of

The Misrepresentation of De-Stalinization

As for the struggle for power, the Central Committee, the KI under
the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and the KGB were all involved by
Khrushchev in a successful disinformation operation to misrepresent
the reasons for the removal of his rivals and the real character of his
own position and policy. Since this operation involved
misrepresentation of the issues involved in Stalinism and de-
Staiinization and provided part of the basic technique for the program
of strategic disinformation operations launched in 1959, it merits
detailed explanation.

To avoid misunderstanding, it is useful to begin by drawing a
distinction between anticommunism and anti-Stalinism and by de-
fining the extent to which de-Stalinization is a genuine process.


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