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Пишет Misha Verbitsky ([info]tiphareth)
@ 2017-07-04 11:01:00

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2016-08-22 14:44 (ссылка)
Что-то я тебе не верил про SJW-шниц, которых везде понасажал проклятый Обама, а ведь наверное же правда: http://www.latimes.com/business/la-fi-harriet-tubman-20-bill-20160420-story.html

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2016-08-22 22:04 (ссылка)
это не самое плохое тащемта
(да и вообще не плохое, если вдуматься)
вот реально плохое

...“Sure, campus speech codes were a problem in the ‘80s and ‘90s, but they’re all gone.”

People can be forgiven for thinking this, since the rise of “politically correct” campus speech codes in the late ‘80s and early ‘90s was met with public condemnation and a series of clear legal defeats. The assumption was that speech codes, as Robert O’Neil put it, “were given a decent burial.” Surprisingly, the number of campus speech codes actually increased from the ‘90s all the way up to 2006, when FIRE completed our first comprehensive survey of speech codes. We found that 75 percent of campuses maintained so-called red light speech codes, which are laughably restrictive policies that would never withstand First Amendment scrutiny. Examples include the famous policy at the University of Connecticut (and later Drexel University) that banned “inappropriately directed laughter,” and a policy at Jacksonville State University that banned offending anyone on university-owned or operated property. After at least 47 lawsuits, the number of campuses with red light speech codes has dropped below 50 percent, but that progress could quickly be undone by new demands from students and policies from the U.S. Department of Education.

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2016-08-22 22:37 (ссылка)
ИМХО идея ввернуть тёток на все купюры просто чтобы были --- профанация.
(а конкретно убрать Джексона даже очень хорошо)
А в случае со свободой слова на кампусах неочевидно, что это с согласия Обамы делается.

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2016-09-07 20:37 (ссылка)
> the number of campuses with red light speech codes has dropped
> below 50 percent, but that progress could quickly be undone by
> new demands from students and policies from the U.S. Department
> of Education.



Institutions with “red light” ratings for policies that unambiguously
impinge upon expression include the following:

Кстати, Калтех, Стенфорд и Bеркли "желтые", для Беркли это пиздец я считаю.
Гарвард в красном.


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2016-09-08 01:23 (ссылка)
да, полный пиздец
сравнительно с этим кипеж вокруг "меморандума 57 школы"
это типа драки тоддлеров совочками в песочнице

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