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Пишет Misha Verbitsky ([info]tiphareth)
@ 2017-07-04 11:01:00

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2017-01-18 12:22 (ссылка)
американцы ебанутые уебки, че
ненавижу эту страну

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2017-01-18 22:20 (ссылка)
а какие страны ок по твоему мнению?

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2017-01-18 22:58 (ссылка)
в отношении секса хуевейшие страны арабские, америка, англия и рф
все остальное ок, но лучше всего япония, дания, германия и нидерланды


Atheistic Denmark and child pornography
Denmark is the third most atheistic country in the world and the website adherents.com reports that 43 - 80% of Danes are agnostics/atheists/non-believers in God.[1] In 2009, Suzanne Ost reported in her book published by Cambridge University Press, that the child pornography material produced in Denmark (and Holland) still constituted the largest part of child pornography that was currently available, having been transferred into digital format and uploaded onto the internet.[2]

In 2005, Denmark was ranked the third most atheistic country in the world and the website adherents.com reported that in 2005 43 - 80% of Danes are agnostics/atheists/non-believers in God.[3] Denmark has the highest rate of belief in evolution in the Western World.[4]

The 2003 book entitled Overcoming Violence Against Women and Girls: The International Campaign to Eradicate a Worldwide Problem written by authors Rahel Nardos; Mary K. Radpour; William S. Hatcher and Michael L. Penn, declared:
“ The largest source of commercial child pornography is Denmark. Denmark became the world's leading producer of child pornography when, in 1969, it removed all restrictions on the production and sale of any type of pornographic material. "The result," notes Tim Tate, "was a short-lived explosion in adult pornography, and the birth of commercial child pornography. In his work, Tate links the global spread of child pornography to two men: Willy Strauss, founder of Bambina Sex, the world's first child-pornography magazine, founded in 1971; and Peter Theander, founder of Colour Climax Corporation and the producer of a short, professionally made pornographic film series entitled Lolita. Lolita depicts the sexual abuse of prepubescent boys and girls. Although Danish law at the time rendered the work of Strauss and Theander legal, by 1979 when Denmark finally banned the production and sale of child pornography it had already become such a financial success on the international market that it has proven to be nearly impossible to bring its spread under control.[5] ”

Suzanne Ost, in her 2009 book Child Pornography and Sexual Grooming: Legal and Societal Responses published by Cambridge University Press, wrote about the child pornography created by Denmark/Holland during this period:
“ Taylor and Quayle note that the material produced during this period still constitutes the largest part of child pornography that is currently available, having been transferred into digital format and uploaded onto the internet

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2017-01-26 11:18 (ссылка)
>в плане секса
ну не знаю. это наверное по критериям снять проститутку и драконовским законам?
в США и РФ можно спокойно поебаться если выбирать нужный возрастной диапазон (18+).
в Германии русскому найти девушку себе немецкую анриал практически.

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2017-01-26 21:29 (ссылка)
нет, с проститутками там все ок (кроме Бостона может)
а вот с сексуальной моралью почти как у саудовцев
(и среди гопоты в сраной)

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2017-01-27 00:20 (ссылка)
>с проститутками там все ок

Тоже не ок -- оно позиционируется как нечто безмерно грязное, и местами, если подставят, можно сесть (были даже sting operations на эту тему в особо ебанутых местах). Ну и если публичную персону заловят, то пиздец.

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