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Пишет balalajkin ([info]balalajkin)
What a bunch of provincial BS, typical of Moscovite.
Spanish literature started with Don Quixote by Miguel de Servantes rough contemporary to the letters from Ivan the Terrible to Kurbsky. And then was an explosion of Spanish word, quite unknown to Russians, for sure. But to your surprise Shakespeare have read Quixote and apparently enjoyed it. There was great world literature back then already, and without any Russians to mention.

So the Russians went without anything significant being written apart from church and government documents... For the next 150 years...

Then there was a short period with Tyutchev and such, which is just a blimp on a radar of the literature of the World. Easily lived without.

As for the later Europe Start with pen-club of Henry Miller, Lawrence Durrell, Theodore Stephanides and Lois Ferdinand Celine, which takes us across British, American, French and Greek literary world. Again, no Russians and not needed! Few books of Tolstoy and Chekhov... Easily forgotten...

Shit, this pompous presumptuousness of Russian intelligencia is truly shocking. They think they still carry Tyutchev on the top of their shoulders. Nope, you carry your Putin as a monkey on your back and nothing else worth mentioning.

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