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Пишет Misha Verbitsky ([info]tiphareth)
@ 2014-08-21 01:19:00

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Настроение: tired
Музыка:Die Antwoord - $O$
Entry tags:anti-russia

they deserve it
Известный писатель Glenn Donovan
срывает покровы.

I've concluded that the Russian people are philosophically

handicapped, unable to govern themselves and know it -
hence their love of tyrants. Have at it, oppress and
exploit each other till your hearts content. I just don't
want to spend a dime of my money on trying to change
it. We spent trillions crushing the Soviet Union and the
Russians promptly turned around and gave the country back,
willingly, to the former head of the KGB. 'Nuff said. No
more good money after bad. The Russian people deserve
whatever happens to them at this point.

We have no need of propaganda,
cuz people who want what we have are sold without being
pushed. Those who don't? Eff 'em. I could care less. Let
Putin eat the Russian people for breakfast - they
deserve it.

I surmise that you are of Russian or Soviet descent?
Perhaps you've never met someone like me who hates the
Russian people so for throwing away the liberty we strove
to deliver to them for decades? I took pride in being on
the "right" side against the Soviets, and somehow thought
that the Russian people would be grateful for their
liberty to the U.S. I never, ever imagined the U.S. having
to submit to the vicious smugness of a KGB monster,
insulting and provoking us daily, leading the Russian
people, having been handed total power by an ignorant,
racist, angry and illiberal populace. I makes me wonder,
maybe Russians deserved Stalin? Maybe, as in Hussein's
Iraq, the second that jackboot is taken off the neck such
folks just can't wait to start killing each other over

I don't really care what it is. What is clear is that
Russia and its people aren't fit to sit at the table as an
equal with civil and free countries, societies and
people. I detest the Russian people for allowing this to
come to pass. We should have just nuked Russia into
oblivion and let mother nature start over.

В 2012 году написано, дядя пророк вообще.

По ссылке от [info]don_oles.


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2014-08-21 00:29 (ссылка)
Да он по ходу псих.

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2014-08-21 04:23 (ссылка)
Просто хочет внимания и пытается изобразить американский
английский, а получается автомат Калашникова план Даллеса
и протоколы ниагарских мудрецов.

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