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Пишет Misha Verbitsky ([info]tiphareth)
@ 2016-05-03 00:42:00

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Настроение: sick
Музыка:Lacrimosa - Live in Mexico City The Movie
Entry tags:.uk, pedo, ussr

Голодовка Буковского
У Корба перевод выступления Буковского
и еще про него же из газеты Гуардиан
По ссылке от [info]balalajkin.

...Speaking at his home in Cambridge, Bukovsky said: "I'm on

hunger strike not because of trying to prove anything to
the FSB [Russia's security agency]. We've known each other
for half a century. There's nothing new they can tell me
or I can tell them. I'm doing it for the British public."

Bukovsky wants his libel action against the CPS to be
heard before the criminal case begins. He is due to go on
trial in May, with his libel case pencilled in for the
summer following three postponements. "I'm denied justice,
quite openly and blatantly," he said.

"At the moment I feel nothing. I'm OK. The feeling of
hunger slowly dies," he said. "Sometime next week I will
not feel hunger at all." Bukovsky's last hunger strike was
four decades ago, in the Soviet Union and the Brezhnev
era, during an implacable struggle against the KGB.
