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Пишет Misha Verbitsky ([info]tiphareth)
@ 2016-08-14 01:13:00

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Entry tags:feminism

решают в пользу оголтелых консервативных норм
[info]kambodja сообщает.

...Современные феминистки защищают ношение мусульманками

никаба-бурки-паранджи, утверждая, что "женщины сами вправе
решать, что им носить".

При этом они же выступают за криминализацию проституции,
против легализации проституции и за законы, наказывающие
клиентов проституток. Утверждая, что к проституции женщин
толкает общество вообще, и мужчины-сутенеры в
частности. На аргументы самих проституток, что это их
личное дело, как они хотят зарабатывать деньги -
феминистки отвечают, что "вам запудрили мозги мужчины, вы
сами не знаете, что говорите".

То есть в одном случае "женщины должны сами решать", а в
другом "вы сами не знаете, чего хотите, вас общество

С одной стороны, кажется, что феминистки занимают
противоречивые позиции. Абсолютно противоположные. Но это
не так. Это лишь внешне кажется, что позиции

На самом деле, они занимают строго однонаправленную
позицию, как по этим, так и по множеству других
вопросов. Современные феминистки - это фашистки. И любой
вопрос они решают в пользу оголтелых консервативных норм.

Недавно встретился сайт феминистического сообщества, на
котором развернута оголтелая пропаганда отрезания
клитора. Клитерэктомии. Очень распространенная операция в
отсталых мусульманских странах. Аргумент тот же: "Кто
такие эти западные цивилизаторы, чтобы решать за
африканских женщин, что для них хорошо? Африканским
женщинам нравятся их традиции, и не западным
муже-шовинистам решать, какая традиция хорошо, а какая

Феминизм стал отвратительным явлением. Читаешь подобное -
и как в говно наступил. Как будто набрел на сайт


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2016-08-14 17:12 (ссылка)
> Феминистки за социальный консерватизм.

Где это такое? Мне так не кажется, феминистки часто топят за/ведут антисоциальный образ жизни, например матери одиночки есть, есть лесбы. И вообще я не помню чтобы они ругали других женщин за те, что те, к примеру, слишком много занимаются сексом, пусть даже и с мужчинами.

А что до стриптиза и проституции, то это, извините меня, очень даже консервативное изобретение.

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2016-08-14 17:17 (ссылка)
"я не помню чтобы они ругали других женщин за те, что те, к примеру, слишком много занимаются сексом"

Блять, какая ты тупая. "Я не помню... я не знаю...". Твоя тупость - это не аргумент в споре.

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2016-08-14 17:21 (ссылка)

I had been used to associating anti-sex attitudes with the likes of Mary Whitehouse, the veteran defender of Christian family values. But after Whitehouse died in 2001, a new generation of morality campaigners had made their presence felt.

In place of attacking the “permissive society”, or lamenting the decline in family values, these activists were armed with feminist battle-cries, and were more likely to be seen reading the liberal Guardian than the right-wing Daily Mail.

A new social conservatism had been born for the new millennium, and this time it was rooted in the political left, rather than the right.

Object, a “feminist human rights” organisation, was a protagonist in the anti-striptease campaign, which they named Stripping The Illusion. Strippers were bemused to find themselves labelled, in the words of one, “as being victims, and on the other hand, evil women who were the cause of rape and abuse.”

But Object was part of a far broader alliance of feminist and left groups with a wide range of anti-sex and pro-censorship objectives. The group received funding from the Joseph Rowntree Foundation, an anti-poverty organisation, and was generously supplied with publicity by the Guardian (which simultaneously ran its own disapproving articles about strip clubs).

Object, and similar feminist organisations such as UK Feminista, rolled out a series of anti-sex campaigns, of which Stripping the Illusion was but the first. Each cause was loyally supported by the Guardian, by voices from the Labour and Green parties, by trade unionists, and others that I had previously considered part of my progressive tribe.

From strip clubs, they turned their attention to attacking online pornography, tried to persuade supermarkets to stop selling lads’ mags, and then campaigned for the censorship of “sexualised” music videos, before turning their attention to the pressing goal of removing breasts from Page 3 of The Sun.

Likewise, the old anti-prostitution movement was reinvigorated by a flood of new, feminist and left-wing campaigners under the End Demand banner. The old, censorious attitudes of the religious right had been adopted, intact, by the new left.

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2016-08-14 17:26 (ссылка)
> Феминистки за социальный консерватизм.

...The Wapping Project in East London is closing due to the complaints of three awkward residents. It will now be turned into ‘luxury’ flats. The George Tavern music venue in Stepney is threatened due to a development of ‘luxury’ flats. The Coliseum is closing, all the clubs by London Bridge have been closed and the Raymond Revue Bar was closed in the disgraceful Soho land grab just before Christmas.

This all amounts to nothing more than a conservative attack on communities and the arts. Hundreds of pubs and venues are closing up and down the country every week. Mostly to make way for ‘luxury’ flats that are bought off plan by foreign investors. Whole areas are being cleansed and sold, not just Soho, but also the Elephant and Castle redevelopment.

Do we wish to live in society full of unaffordable ‘luxury’ flats, in a cultural wasteland, or do we want to keep music, dance (including pole dance) and the arts as part of our lives? A friend of mine who has been a successful club promoter for over two decades now, gave a wry smile recently and said, ‘I don’t know why they are planning a 24 tube service in 2015. At this rate there will be no more clubs in central London to go to.’

Not only is this bill part of ‘the feminism that cried wolf’ syndrome, taking offence to everything, but it’s also the feminism that is the handmaid of property developers.


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2016-08-14 19:01 (ссылка)
Да это ж "дети мои мрут, дети голодают"!

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2016-08-14 19:11 (ссылка)

Edie Lamort

Edie started dancing over a decade ago to give herself time and money to do music. She began dancing in San Francisco and then continued when she got back to London. She has worked in Browns, The Griffin, The White Horse, The Peel and for Rainbow Agency. Edie is officially Level 6 at Pole Dancing, and she also takes Belly Dancing classes as it is a beautiful, sensual dance that totally compliments striptease. Edie’s style can be described as a retro burlesque look as she has long dark hair with a Betty Page style cut.

Her activism began in 2010 when Hackney Council had a consultation to impose a ‘nil policy’ therefore closing down all the long established and well run, independent strip pubs. This involved going to meetings with councillors and MPs to put the case that clubs deserved to stay open, speaking to journalists, speaking at debates and writing articles for blogs.

Music is her other passion and she currently plays in a band that can be described as Gothic Americana. She sings, plays acoustic guitar and autoharp and has recently played at Camp Bestival and Bestival after finding a fan in Rob da Bank. Edie is an all round entertainer, with genuine style and stage presence, for whom performing is a genuinely empowering creative outlet.

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