Misha Verbitsky - December 22nd, 2022

December 22nd, 2022

December 22nd, 2022
08:42 am


Pink Floyd - Echoes (A.I. Generated Music Video)
"Echoes" пинк-флойда есть практически идеальная
музыка для употребления с психоделиками

надо не забыть заценить сие кинцо в измененном состоянии
Pink Floyd - Echoes (A.I. Generated Music Video)
если хорошо упороться, можно постичь суть бытия, несомненно

Current Mood: sick
Current Music: Pink Floyd - Echoes (A.I. Generated Music Video)
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08:52 am


dollar vs rouble
ну и рубль походу упал на 20%
никогда такого не было, и вот опять
11:50 am


A homosexual was discovered!
Какие-то шутники (либо адепты пост-иронии)
пишут в https://twitter.com/PublicAfghan
от лица официальных органов Исламского Эмирата Афганистан


A homosexual marriage was stopped in #Herat today. We do
not recognise homosexual marriages, this is a western
ideal which is causing their downfall. These two
homosexuals have been arrested and will be tried on Friday


We can confirm alongside @GDI1415
that the homosexual who was caught insulting Allah, Islam
and committing homosexual acts with another man has died
in a freak yachting accident. He will continue to be
tried by the #Kabul city elders tomorrow in his absence.


A homosexual was discovered working in the ministry of
water. We can confirm there is no risk to the public and
our water remains safe to drink. He has been placed on
restricted duties whilst he is removed from his frontline


The Head of Public Health, Afkram Ramani has decreed that
local population near the treatment facilities this
homosexual was working, should be vaccinated against any
potential homosexual miasma contained within the
water. Families will be contacted imminently.


The homosexual that was discovered working for the
Ministry of Water has sadly died in a farming accident and
will no longer be investigated for his homosexuality. We
send our condolences to his family, this includes a $2,000
death in service benefit.

троллинг 80лвл, based and redpilled


Current Mood: sick
Current Music: Death in June - BLACK ANGEL LIVE!
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