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Пишет balalajkin ([info]balalajkin)
Кстати, о постмодернизме - из комментов отсюда

Well, a lot of this is based on an assumption of epistemic egalitarianism – a belief that “Western ways of knowing” should not be “privileged” above other, less effective worldviews, especially those of cultures deemed more colourful and “authentic.” As the absurd Wahneema Lubiano says - but never proves - “Western rationality’s hegemony marginalizes other ways of knowing about the world.” (See also Andrew Ross, Sandra Harding or Frederique Apffel Marglin:)


For instance, Western medicine tends to work better than, say, voodoo or chanting and this is terribly “unfair.” The solution, it seems, is to decry the more effective treatment as “patriarchal,” “imperialist” or in some way disagreeable, while romanticising the alternatives as more virtuous and meaningful. Thus, one can pretend that voodoo and chanting are equally valid as “narratives,” if not as actual treatments, while the people who pretend this continue to visit the local doctor, not some mad woman with a stick.

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