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Пишет Misha Verbitsky ([info]tiphareth)
@ 2018-01-06 19:08:00

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Настроение: sick
Музыка:Pimsleur Portuguese
Entry tags:drugs, usa

How Jeff Sessions wants to bring back the war on drugs
Трамп, как и ожидалось, ре-криминализовал марихуану,
отменив указ Обамы, запрещавший федералам преследовать
производство и продажу легких наркотиков в тех штатах, где
это легализовано. Вот довольно занятные вещи про Стивена
Кука, очередного сумасшедшего из трамповской
администрации, который продавил криминализацию.

In January 1990, Ira Johnson stood in a federal courtroom

and pleaded with the judge to show her son mercy. Darrell
Frazier, 29, had just been sentenced to life in prison
without parole. He wouldn't have the right to appear
before a parole board ? not at age 60, 70 or 80 ? no
matter what he did to make up for his crimes.

Frazier had not been charged with murder or another
violent crime ? the sort of thing that one might associate
with a life-without-parole sentence ? but rather with
conspiracy to distribute cocaine.

At the time, the federal prosecutor in the case, Steven
H. Cook, argued that Frazier deserved to spend the rest of
his life in prison because he had prior drug
convictions. Frazier got life. Now almost 60 years old,
he's locked up in a maximum-security prison in Kentucky,
one of countless aging lifers who committed their crimes
when they were young and who happen to live in America,
the nation with the highest incarceration rate in the

A number of lawmakers, prosecutors, cops and judges regret
their role in fueling mass incarceration, or at least
admit that the U.S. could stand to imprison fewer
people. Even former NYPD police chief William Bratton and
former Cook County, Illinois, State's Attorney Anita
Alvarez ? neither of whom could be accused of being soft
on crime ? joined a group of law enforcement officials who
say they want to reduce the country's prison population.

Steve Cook is not one of them. And in a move that signals
he's truly committed to rolling back the bipartisan
momentum on criminal justice reform, Attorney General Jeff
Sessions has tapped Cook to address violent crime in
cities ? widely seen as a directive to reverse the slim
criminal justice reforms that took place during the Obama

"Cook thinks that prison is a reliable answer for almost
everything," Kevin Ring, president of Families Against
Mandatory Minimums, tells Rolling Stone. "When it doesn't
work, the answer is more prison."

В Америке это довольно важная проблема, ибо в тюрьмах
(штатных и федеральных) сидит полтора миллиона человек,

из них 300 тысяч за наркотики; администрация Трампа
заявляет, что сажать нужно больше, и массовые посадки --
универсальное решение всех проблем с преступностью.
Make America Great Again!

По ссылке
от [info]avmalgin@lj.


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2018-01-07 00:55 (ссылка)
в том числе и людей, потребляющих наркотики.
это абсолютно уродская жесть из уёбищного прошлого.

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2018-01-07 07:24 (ссылка)
а знал ли, к примеру, Mondriaan, что если у всех маленьких прямоугольников одна из сторон целая, то и большой обладает этим свойством ?

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