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Пишет Misha Verbitsky ([info]tiphareth)
@ 2018-03-09 21:55:00

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Настроение: sick
Музыка:Соль от 24/12/17 - Группа "Громыка".
Entry tags:anti-russia, fascism, islam, putin

Православный ислам:

Писатель Иван Андреевич Куклин напоминает, что жена

спасается через беспрекословное повиновение мужу и полное
отсечение своей воли.

Есличо, на арабском "ислам" и означает
"беспрекословное повиновение
и полное
отсечение своей воли

Подробнее об подчиненном положении женщин в исламе:

It is natural for the wife to obey the husband. If a wife

doesn't obey her husband, she is acting against nature.

The wife should be obedient and submissive to the husband
in matters of sex.

A young girl came to the presence of the Prophet of Allah
(s) and inquired, "O Prophet of Allah! I want to get
married. What rights does the husband have over the wife?"
The Prophet (s) said, "The first right that the husband
has over the wife is that she should not act like a thief
at home. She should not become rebellious. She should not
pretend to do something and in reality do something else."
The girl said, "I shall take good care of this matter!"
Then the Prophet (s) said, "The second right of the
husband is that the wife must totally submit to his
natural instinct of sexual intercourse." The girl assented
to this condition too. The Prophet (s) then said, "If any
differences crop up at home, it will be your duty to ask
for pardon from your husband and you should not sleep till
he is pleased." The third condition appeared harsh to the
girl and she asked, "Do I have to ask the pardon of my
husband, even if he is on the wrong, even if he is the
oppressor?" The Prophet (s) replied emphatically, "Yes!
Even if your husband is oppressive and at fault, it will
be your duty to seek a truce and ask for his pardon!"

...The author then gives the 'rights of the husband'.

According to the book, these include his wife?s inability
to leave 'his house without his permission'.

She must then 'fulfill his desires' and 'not allow herself
to be untidy ... but should beautify herself for him'.

Worryingly, the book advises men that they should scold
their wives. According to the book, they may also 'beat by
hand or stick, withhold money from her or pull (her) by
the ears.'

It then adds that men should 'refrain from beating her

В Коране постоянно сравнивается битье жены и битье
домашней скотины,
ибо разницы никакой.

Собственно, любое "традиционное общество" таково же,
от овцеебов до вонючих совков. Но ныне совки получили
разрешение от гнусных гебешников из РПЦ, так что теперь
могут пиздить женщин с официальной санкции; с целью
повышения народной религиозности и для дальнейшего
укрепления духовных скреп и традиционных ценностей.
Все как в Пакистане, хуле.


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2018-03-10 13:36 (ссылка)
Михаил Сергеевич, пора банить лосося (cyberloh01 - лосось). Собственно так можно и уменьшить количество русни, которая стала руснёй из за безответственности спрятавшись за безликостью.
Жалость к русне - признак русни.
Потому и не взрослеет лосось, потому что его кто-то второй раз не банит.

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2018-03-10 14:53 (ссылка)
Соси, ласось

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2018-03-10 22:20 (ссылка)
Соси, ласось

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