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Пишет Misha Verbitsky ([info]tiphareth)
@ 2018-06-15 09:06:00

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Настроение: sick
Музыка:Laika abd The Cosmonauts - Surfs You Right
Entry tags:.de, .ma, anti-russia, islam, politics

the kind of stupid shit libertarians and leftists advocate on immigration
выжимка из статистики немецкого министерства
внутренних дел, с разбивкой преступности по
национальности и гражданству.

Вполне предсказуемо, мирные беженцы
убивают/грабят/насилуют где-то в 20 раз
больше, чем германские граждане.

Удивляться тут нечему, как будто в Сирии
они убивают меньше.

Впрочем, марокканцы в Европе ведут себя
гораздо более пакостно, чем у себя: само
по себе Марокко есть культурная и практически
европейская страна, которая известна нетерпимостью
к "религии мира" и жесткими репрессиями против
исламистов, а вот марокканские эмигранты в Европу
устраивают в своих гетто полный исламский беспредел.

Как известно, число марокканок в хиджабе
в Брюсселе больше, чем в самом Марокко,
где хиджаб (в публичных заведениях)
вообще запрещен.

Найдено тут:

Germany after 2015 is basically a natural experiment on

what happens when a country does the kind of stupid shit
libertarians and leftists advocate on immigration. It
never ceases to amaze me how otherwise intelligent people
can delude themselves into believing even the most absurd
nonsense. For instance, after Merkel decided to open the
floodgates in 2015, the cognoscenti were confidently
asserting that, by letting in more than a million people
who for the most part didn't speak a word of German, were
largely uneducated by Western standards and had a totally
different culture, Germany would soon become a land of
milk and honey. But then reality happened and, as the
Financial Times recently pointed out, it wasn't pretty

Это в качестве очередного привета товарищам,
предлагающим отменить визы.

Апропос, Марокко есть как раз та самая страна,
где "правительство есть единственный европеец",
редкий случай, когда (весьма мягкий, после
1999-го) авторитарный режим всеми силами
удерживает общество от впадания в мракобесие
пакистан-стайл. Другого подобного государства
я не ведаю, обыкновенно при авторитаризме
все происходит как в России или Пакистане:
полицейский режим давит прозападный либеральный
средний класс и подкармливает ультра-правых
религиозников и мракобесов.


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2018-06-15 22:53 (ссылка)
да что там мало, вообще полтора человека более-менее

Кстати, в Нигерии есть целых три международно
знаменитых математика, специалист по алгебраической К-теории
Aderemi O. Kuku
по спектральной геометрии
Kate Okikiolu
и ее папа, специалист по теории операторов
но там и людей, конечно, побольше, чем на Украине

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2018-06-15 23:03 (ссылка)

George Olatokunbo Okikiolu

...Meet the man who has published more papers, over two hundred, than any other Black Mathematician.

George Olatokunbo Okikiolu is a great Mathematician of all time. He is vast in functional analysis and has published twice as many papers as any other Black Mathematician in history.

The renowned scholar was born in Aba in 1941, to a Calabar Princess, who was trained as a nurse and a Yoruba Father from Abeokuta in Western Nigeria. After his early education in Lagos and Ibadan respectively, he proceeded to the prestigious Baptist Boys’ High School in Abeokuta for his Secondary School Education.

Okikiolu had desired to be a Medical Doctor, but as fate would have it, he developed interest in Mathematics and the Physical Sciences, which he pursued and subsequently received a Bachelor of Science First-Class honors degree from at the university.

Shortly after his first degree, he accepted a research "assistantship" to write a master’s thesis on real and complex variable analysis. He worked on strong lower densities in measure theory and received a Master of Science degree in 1964.

Okikiolu presented his first paper on Fourier transforms and Hilbert transforms (and fractional integrals) for publication and applied for a number of assistant lectureship positions in various universities.
In 1965, he was offered an appointment at the University of Sussex. At that time, he had his second daughter, Katherine Adebola (now a mathematician!).

After the success of his first paper presentation, Okikiolu embarked on more research papers for publication on extensions of Schur inequalities, inversion relations for fractional integrals, and generalization of Hilbert transforms and Dirichlet-type transforms involving trigonometric functions.

By 1970, he had published twenty-four papers on various topics in integral operators and at the same time, produced his first book titled “Aspects of the Theory of Bounded Integral Operators in Lp Spaces” , which was published by Academic Press in 1971. In the same year, Okikiolu received his Doctorate of Science degree.

He got several appointments for various positions including a professorial position at the University of East Anglia in Britain, but the early notification was not confirmed, and in subsequent years, he got tired and uncomfortable, which led to his early retirement from university appointments.

In 1974, Okikiolu began his personal inventions. He invented a proton extractor, electrochemical oscillator, and magnetic-wave generator, which according to him were not very promising for commercial development.

Two of his main inventions include photo converter technology and television cameras for infrared and other wave forms; ‘Television cameras for various wave forms relate especially to some of his inventions which operate as remote effect devices involving systems for generating pressure waves affecting human subjects.

Other notable inventions include polar visible inscriptions, which are visible only to viewers equipped with suitable polarizer elements; linear and rotary motor assemblies; light-operated photocell-inductor motors for operating electrical generators; hydraulic projections of electrical terminals for various electrical effects; various forms of television assemblies; composite motor-generators for electrical equipment and electrical vehicles; and nuclear fusion systems.

By 1975, Okikiolu had published twenty-five United Kingdom patent specifications. As well as some forms of industrial developments, productions relating to his inventive projects have been limited by financial considerations.

In 1990, he published more of his books, particularly, “Completing the Magic Square of Even Order and Special Integral Operators, Vol. 1 and Vol. 2”. He published two regular periodicals, Bulletin of Inventions and Summary of Patent Specifications and Bulletin of Mathematics since 1981.

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2018-06-15 23:10 (ссылка)
Пепел Биафры стучит блядь в мое сердце.

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