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Пишет Misha Verbitsky ([info]tiphareth)
@ 2018-12-20 18:30:00

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Настроение: sick
Музыка:E-polynomials of character varieties associated with a real curve
Entry tags:feminism, linux, sjw

insults and homophobic language
Если кого-то интересует, чем занимаются все эти многочисленные
"anti-harrassment teams", "diversity committee" и прочие мерзкие
твари, внедренные в free software-проекты под давлением корпоративных
мразей и феминисток. Они удаляют из дистрибутива пакет
weboob за неприличное название. Это не шутка юмора
первоапрельская, они реально его удалили. За неприличное
название. Потому что оно оскорбительно и гомофобно.


Debian's Anti-Harassment Team Is Removing A Package Over Its Name

The latest notes from the Debian anti-harassment team on
Wednesday caught my attention when reading, "We were
requested to advice on the appropriateness of a certain
package in the Debian archive. Our decision resulted in
the package pending removal from the archive." Curiosity
got the best of me... What package was deemed too
inappropriate for the Debian archive?

When digging further, the package raised to the Debian
Anti-Harassment Team was "Weboob." Weboob is short for
"Web Outside of Browsers" as it's an open-source
collection of software to script and automate the
parsing/scraping/gathering-via-API of web data so that it
can be consumed by different
modules/applications. Weboob.org describes itself as
"Weboob is a collection of applications able to interact
with websites, without requiring the user to open them in
a browser. It also provides well-defined APIs to talk to
websites lacking one."

* * *

Лет 50 назад пакет удаляли бы за "неприличное название",
сейчас его тоже удаляют за "неприличное название". Оказывается,
неприличные названия оскорбляют женщин и гомосеков.

Как и было сказано (100 раз уже) феминизм и вся прочая
sjw-движуха - это просто викторианский путитанизм,
упакованный в новые шмотки. Ненавижу мразей, желаю
им всем дико сдохнуть.


(Читать комментарии) - (Добавить комментарий)

2018-12-21 09:38 (ссылка)

Boobank List your bank accounts balances, their expenses, transfer money, etc.

Boobcoming List events, fill your calendar.

Boobill List your subscriptions, view and download the bill details.

Booblyrics Get lyrics of songs.

Boobmsg Read and post public and private messages.

Boobooks List your books rented and get your booking history.

Boobsize Display various gauges status.

Boobtracker View, edit and create issues on bugtrackers.

Cineoob Search movies, persons, torrents, subtitles, and get info about them.

Comparoob Compare prices of products.

Cookboob Search recipes, find one, and cook.

Flatboob Search for housings to buy or rent.

Galleroob Find and download web image galleries.

Geolooc Geolocalize IP addresses.

Handjoob Search for a job.

Havedate Interact with dating websites, and get popular.

Parceloob Parcel tracking.

Pastoob Submit and get text (source code, backtraces) to pastebin-like websites.

Radioob Search for radios, and get direct stream URLs and current playing songs.

Shopoob Obtain details and status of e-commerce orders.

Suboob Find and download subtitles.

Translaboob Translation functions.

Traveloob View public transportation timetables.

Videoob Search for videos, get their direct URLs, download them or play them.

WebContentEdit Manage and edit content on supported collaborative websites like wikis.

Wetboobs Display current weather and to see forecasts.

все правильно сделали.

(Ответить) (Ветвь дискуссии)

2018-12-22 01:02 (ссылка)
Date; wine; talk; touch; unzip; touch; strip; gasp; finger; gasp; groupadd; mount; fsck; nice; more; yes; wait; watch; gasp; man paste; eject; gasp; umount; make clean; kill; sleep; disown;

(Ответить) (Уровень выше) (Ветвь дискуссии)

2018-12-22 16:30 (ссылка)
$ gasp
-bash: gasp: command not found

(Ответить) (Уровень выше)

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