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Пишет Misha Verbitsky ([info]tiphareth)
@ 2019-03-11 10:13:00

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Настроение: sick
Музыка:16 Horsepower, Secret South (full album) 2000

для связи - март 2019
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2019-03-13 19:37 (ссылка)
Nothing. Lets bomb sandnigger countries, until they accept Jesus!

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2019-03-14 03:32 (ссылка)
fuck jesus
let's promote pagan gods!

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2019-03-14 07:33 (ссылка)
VICE: Is the Satanic Temple a satanic, or a satirical group?
Doug: That is a common question. I say why can’t it be both? We are coming from a solid philosophy that we absolutely believe in and adhere to. This is Satanism, and to us it couldn’t be called anything other than Satanism. However, our metaphor of Satan is a literary construct inspired by authors such as Anatole France and Milton—a rebel angel defiant of autocratic structure and concerned with the material world. Satanism as a rejection of superstitious supernaturalism. This Satan, of course, bears no resemblance to the embodiment of all cruelty, suffering, and negativity believed in by some apocalyptic segments of Judeo-Christian culture. The word Satan has no inherent value. If one acts with compassion in the name of Satan, one has still acted with compassion. Our very presence as civic-minded socially responsible Satanists serves to satirize the ludicrous superstitious fears that the word Satan tends to evoke.

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