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Пишет Misha Verbitsky ([info]tiphareth)
@ 2019-03-11 10:13:00

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2019-07-27 15:25 (ссылка)
>The main support for the directive came from

"sir Paul MacCartney" and other creeps like that. Музыкальная индустрия в Англии втрое больше остальной Европы, и подпитывается прямым каналом через океан. Так что и дураку понятно, откуда яйца растут. А кого именно в европарлменте они купили, это вопрос чисто технический.

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2019-07-27 17:37 (ссылка)
Как ни смешно, но по факту Маккартни тут не очень при
делах. Вот список лоббистов, участвовавших в дискуссиях
статьи 13
там практически никого из Англии нет, какие-то мутные
European Collection Societies
найдено тут

They also referred us to the torrent of material his office received from publishers, collecting societies and publishers. These included an empty CD, a blank letter and pamphlets claiming that "Culture is under attack". Europe For Creators also sent a letter entitled 'Let's play safe' which included a condom with the phrase "We love tech giants, we love protection too"!

Europe For Creators is a coalition of national level collecting societies such as PRS for Music and SABAM, which is run by GESAC, the European lobby group of collecting societies. Yet, these pamphlets do not mention anywhere who is behind them, and Europe for Creators is not a registered coalition on the EU lobby transparency register.

One particularly extravagant lobby resource that was sent to MEPs took the form of a full newspaper, with a headline that read "Copyright: the Voice of the Independent Press" (see picture 3). Across its 'front page' the bold title "Europe's independent press needs Article 11" is followed by an enlarged picture of a journalist being shot in Syria. The caption reads:

"AFP reporter Sammy Ketz, hits the ground as a Syrian soldier runs past during sniper fire in the ancient Christian Syrian town of Maalula, on September 18, 2013. Journalists in Syria have been killed by snipers, accused of spying, and kidnapped by gunmen, and with the threats growing, many say the conflict is now too dangerous to cover. Media watchdog Reporters Without Borders (RSF) says at least 25 professional journalists have been killed in the conflict'.

Below the picture is a call to MEPs to "reject any attempt to delete Article 11 from the European Commission's proposed Copyright Directive". Inside is an editorial, which is really a lobby letter, signed by 18 European News Agencies, as well as a text from AFP Baghdad Bureau Chief Sammy Ketz (pictured in the emotive image used on the front cover). Ketz's text appeals to MEPs to support Article 11, directly linking it with his experiences of reporting from the war front and arguing that Article 11 would help to secure revenue so that the media can continue to run expensive foreign news operations

я так понимаю, что музыкальные агентства вполне довольны
тем, что им капает с itunes/spotify/youtube и не вмешиваются,
а основное лоббирование было от news agencies

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2019-07-28 01:02 (ссылка)
>Вот список лоббистов, участвовавших в дискуссиях статьи 13

Хуйня какая-то, а не список. В тех, что я видел, макартни был на первом месте.

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2019-07-27 17:44 (ссылка)
дальше там рассказывают, что за сценой всеми этими
лоббистами манипулировал Axel Springer

The press publishers have played an important role in the debate on the Copyright Directive from the start. Back in February 2017, Politico Europe (a newspaper owned by Axel Springer publishers) pointed out the role of the German press in pushing for a ‘neighbouring right’, which they claimed had been “aggressively championed” by Gunther Oettinger for two years. The German press played a similarly important role in fighting the exceptions created in the Marrakesh Treaty to increase access for blind and visually impaired people.

From the lobby meetings lists referred to earlier, several actors stand out, including German public-service broadcasters ZDF and ARD and publisher Axel Springer. The latter company, and especially its CEO, Mathias Döpfner, seem to have been crucial in the copyright discussion, as the publishing company is a vocal critic of the power of big US tech (GAFA - Google, Apple, Facebook and Amazon), with whom they compete for the online advertising market.

The news publisher is influential in Germany and Europe. In Berlin, it is close to the governing German Christian Democrats (CDU/CSU), to whom it is linked through party donations but also personal relationships. When the extra ‘neighbouring right’ for publishers was approved in Germany in 2013, Springer quickly made an agreement with Google News to ensure that it wouldn’t be de-listed and thus lose visibility.

In Brussels, Springer plays a very prominent role within the publishers’ associations, such as the European Newspapers Publishers Association, the European Media Magazine Association and the European Publishers Council. The first two associations even share offices with Axel Springer.

Throughout the entire Copyright process in the EU the publisher enjoyed a very high level of access to policy-makers, as a result of its status as a key German publisher and friend of the CDU/CSU. Back in 2016, in a speech for the Federal Association of German Newspaper Publishers, headed of course by Döpfner, Commissioner Oettinger, loudly told the German publishers to get their journalists to stop criticising the Copyright directive.

Springer’s links with the CDU/CSU were also useful when MEP Voss was nominated to take over from Comodini as the lead MEP on copyright. At that time, Voss had a meeting with Oettinger, who by that stage had already moved to a different Commission portfolio but was still following the discussions, and Matthias Döpfner, Springer’s CEO. According to Oettingers briefing notes, at the meeting Döpfner was expected to “raise questions about the Commission’s position regarding Ms Comodini’s draft report”, the one that had deleted the 'neighbouring right', and Oettinger was prepared to say that they continued to expect the same level of ambition from MEPs as the Commission had shown.

A meeting between a Parliament Rapporteur, the Commissioner formerly in charge for a policy issue, and a key lobbyist is highly unusual.

Судя по всему, Шпрингер договорился с CDU/CSU
о том, что германские ньюс-паблишеры покрывают
жопу сопартийцам (типа как с массовыми изнасилованиями
в Кельне), а те жертвуют репутацией, принимая
удобные им законы

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