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Пишет Misha Verbitsky ([info]tiphareth)
@ 2019-10-05 11:24:00

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для связи - октябрь 2019
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Misha, which button will you push?
2020-06-19 16:36 (ссылка)
You have a magic panel with different colored buttons:
1.The Orange Button: Every hour, the least sexually active female on the planet dies.
2.The Cyan button: Every hour, the most sexually active female on the planet dies.
3.The Red Button: Every hour, the richest(by total assets) person dies.
4.The Blue Button: Every hour, the poorest(by total assets) person dies.
5.The Purple Button: Every hour, the least genetically fit person dies.
6.The Yellow button: Every Hour, the least intelligent person on the planet dies.
7.The Green Button: Every hour, the fattest person on Earth dies.
8.The White Button: Every hour, the least moral person on Earth dies.
9.The Black Button: Every hour, the most violent person on Earth dies.
10.The Brown Button: Every hour, the
least attractive person on Earth dies.

Once you push one button, the panel disappear. Which one you would push and why?

(Ответить) (Ветвь дискуссии)

Re: Misha, which button will you push?
2020-06-19 16:42 (ссылка)
11. Every hour, rusnya dies

(Ответить) (Уровень выше)

Re: Misha, which button will you push?
2020-06-19 17:08 (ссылка)
12. садков иди в жопу

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Re: Misha, which button will you push?
2020-06-19 17:12 (ссылка)
May I push in your button?

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Re: Misha, which button will you push?
2020-06-19 17:13 (ссылка)
May I push in your butty?

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