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Пишет Misha Verbitsky ([info]tiphareth)
@ 2020-05-30 15:09:00

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Настроение: sick
Музыка:Jeanne Mas - MADE IN FRANCE
Entry tags:censorship, covid, google

Шизодокументальное кино Plandemic
в жанре "все умрут, фармакологические
компании убивают вас платными прививками
за деньги".

Мне стоило немалых усилий найти ссылку
на само видео, потому что и Гугл и duckduckgo
на запрос "plandemic" выдают сотни страниц
разнообразных видео-опровержений, плюс
рассказы о том, как героически Гугл и ФСБук
воюют с его распространением, со статьями

Facebook and YouTube are rushing to delete "Plandemic," a
conspiracy-laden video

а линки на само видео вычищают ревностно.

Скоро будут, думаю, хомячки
ежедневно в 8 вечера выходить на
балкон и аплодировать Гуглу и ФСБуку за
тотальную войну с опасной дезинформацией,
как сейчас аплодируют "врачам" за локдаун.

Придется смотреть сие кино,
хотя антивакцинация это очевидная
шиза, но лучше шиза, чем цензура, тем
более такая наглая.


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2020-05-31 01:21 (ссылка)

Just as Ott's name is not "True", neither has he earned
the credentials he tacks onto his name. Ott, by his own
admission, does not have an "accredited" PhD. And, in
point of fact, there is no other kind. Nor is Ott
entitled to advertise himself as a "N.D." (naturopathic
doctor), as he has not graduated from any of the few
colleges which issue that degree. "True" Ott is a fraud,
plain and simple.

What is Alma Ott's primary thesis, which slithers through
his writings like a malignant serpent? That the so-called
"Edomite Jews" aka Edomites aka Khazar Jews aka Canaanites
are the spawn of Satan, the bloodline of Cain, and that as
such, they are genetically flawed and thus predisposed by
the very "evil" blood that runs through their veins, to
perpetrate all sorts of crimes and atrocities against
humanity. According to Ott and his ilk, these "Edomites"
themselves are a veritable abomination to God Almighty!

Ott has written countless articles and screeds filled with
his "Edomite Jew" hate propaganda and has libeled and
slandered many Jews, as he apparently believes that by
their "bloodlines" alone they are deserving of hatred and
venemous attacks. Among Ott's primary Targets are
Dr. Leonard Horowitz and Sherri Kane, two brillaint
investigative journalists who have exposed a criminal
conspiracy and COINTELPRO network of "controlled
opposition", of which "True" Ott is just one of a number
of members-in-good- standing.

The theme of Studer's products, in just two words is: NUKE ISRAEL

On offer to his fellow Jew-haters, Alex Studer has a wide
variety of NUKE ISRAEL apparel and paraphernalia: NUKE
ISRAEL T-shirts (including for dogs); NUKE ISRAEL mugs,
wallets and jewelry; NUKE ISRAEL bibs for babies (Can you
imagine anyone stupid enough to buy such a thing for a
child?). And here's a great deal, Jew -haters: For just
$15.99 you can be the proud owner of a NUKE ISRAEL Teddy
Bear (snow white fur, naturally)....and last but not
least, he even sells NUKE ISRAEL Christmas stockings.

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2020-05-31 01:46 (ссылка)

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