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Пишет Misha Verbitsky ([info]tiphareth)
@ 2020-06-08 07:30:00

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Настроение: sick
Entry tags:fascism, usa

Murder of Philando Castile
Вот, кстати
менты рандомно остановили машину с негром, его подругой
и дочкой 4 лет, одного из них пробило на измену, и он
застрелил негра (ни разу не преступника, образованного,
миддл-класс негра, всю жизнь проработавшего в школьном
кафетерии), ни за что. Подругу негра агрессивно
допрашивали и держали в тюрьме до утра, но выпустили,
потому что у ней хватило ума записать весь инцидент
и сразу же выложить в фейсбук. Полиции ничего не было.
Убийцу уволили после скандала, заплатив ему $48,500
в качестве компенсации. Таких случаев сотни вообще-то.


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2020-06-09 01:56 (ссылка)
Хоть бы никто в США не вспомнил, что в шахматах белые всегда ходят первыми и чаще выигрывают.

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2020-06-09 01:59 (ссылка)

Today’s world is different from the past world that spawned this game of chess. We now respect all religions as equal. We don’t think the world should be run by bloodthirsty, selfish kings, and think queens should be able to rule without a king. We insist on pawns having more say in what happens, since Pawn Lives Matter. We don’t want to refer to losers as losers, since that can hurt their feelings and reinforce their sense of being losers. And if a king decides to become a queen, that’s okay, too.

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2020-06-09 02:01 (ссылка)
Carlsen and Giri campaign for racial equality
by Macauley Peterson

3/21/2019 – "Breaking a rule in chess to change behavior in life." World Champion Magnus Carlsen and GM Anish Giri team up in a social campaign dubbed "Move for Equality" in honour of the International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination.

Today, we made a #MoveForEquality. Anish Giri and I broke a rule and black started instead of white. Through chess, we can give a new perspective to the worldwide discussion about how we can build a world where opportunity is equal.

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2020-06-09 02:37 (ссылка)
Традиции же! В знаменитой партии по переписке между Лондонским и Парижским
шахматными клубами (в котором б.м. изобрели французскую защиту) черные англосексы тоже ходили первыми
(но им не помогло).
Вот что пишут:

Premium Chessgames Member Benzol: London played Black but moved first for some reason.
Nov-18-04 TheGreatNN: That contradicts the definition of Black.

It was a correspondence game so there weren't physical pieces, and there was no algebraic notation in 1836 so they couldn't have turned the board around, so what are you talking about?
Premium Chessgames Member Benzol: <...so what are you talking about?>

Simple, the truth!
Nov-18-04 Kean: Thats true, in those days sometimes black started the game. The convention of white moving first came some time later but dont know when. I guess even in the International London Tournament 1851 there were games played with black opening.
Nov-18-04 KampongBoy: I believe the rule that stated that White always moved first was not established until the mid 1920's, 25 or 26.
Nov-18-04 mack: Oh my god, my whole world's been turned upside down!
Nov-18-04 panigma: Why are you saying London played black? They're white on my screen!
Premium Chessgames Member kevin86: There is a joke going around that the "French defense" involves carrying an unicolor (white) flag,instead of the Tricolor-the regular flag.

To counter this,I believe that the MARSELLAISE is the best national anthem,by far.
Premium Chessgames Member akiba82: Sometimes Black moved first, but this didn't continue until the 1920's. I believe in the London 1851 tournament, the first international tournament, they hadn't yet decided to let White always move first. Certainly they had by London 1862. Does anyone have any solid research they want to share on this?
Nov-18-04 ajile: What's wrong with 12.NxC6?
Nov-19-04 TheGreatNN: Forgive my ignorance, but how could it possibly be arranged for one side to play black in a correspondence game and not move first? Does London send Paris a letter that says "1.P-K4 and I'm black?" How does that work?
Nov-19-04 drukenknight: NN: you have jumped to conclusions, he's not talking about the correspondence game here. He's not even talking about corr. games. He's talking about an old custom.

In the old days black was thought to be a lucky color so everyoen wanted black. To compensate, if you took white you got to move first. That's my understanding I think from C.H.O.DAlexander..


Но впоследствии white supremacy повсеместно победило, и black isn't lucky color nowadays.

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2020-06-09 02:43 (ссылка)
А вот чтобы белые чаще проигрывали и придумали Armageddon, и хитрый Накамура
там всех месит черными, с японским расовым удовольствием.

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