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Пишет Misha Verbitsky ([info]tiphareth)
@ 2020-06-28 10:50:00

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Музыка:Project Pitchfork - Live in Concert - M'era Luna 2017
Entry tags:.de, ebm, music, youtube

Project Pitchfork - Live in Concert - M'era Luna 2017
Какие же они неебательски охуенные
Project Pitchfork - Live in Concert - M'era Luna 2017 - 01:02:11

Музыкантам явственно за 50, на танцполе тоже в основном
люди, которые помнят рейвчики начала 1990-х, но жгут, как
будто в последний раз.

Вообще EBM с тремя живыми барабанщиками это мощно,
ну и бороды как у зизитоп доставляют. Стильные, модные,


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2020-07-01 18:12 (ссылка)

In the 19th and early 20th centuries, the racial classification of Jews in the United States was not settled, with many nativists describing them as "Mongoloid" and "Asiatic." The United States Bureau of Immigration had classified Jews as "Slavonic" during the 19th century, but the Dillingham Commission contended that linguistic and physical criteria, including the "Jew's nose", classified Jews further down the Caucasian pecking order, as Semites.[57][58] A 1909 Census Bureau ruling related to the case of George Shishim[59] to classify Syrians as "Mongolians", thus non-white and ineligible for citizenship, caused American Jewish leaders to fear that Jews would soon be denaturalized as well.[60]

The racial status of Jews has continued to engender debate,[61] with some commentators arguing that ethnic Jews, regardless of diaspora history, are non-white.[62][63]

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