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Пишет Misha Verbitsky ([info]tiphareth)
@ 2021-01-02 08:53:00

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Re: ужасно важно
2020-10-04 22:35 (ссылка)

И, кстати, зря не ожидал, дядька совершенно
без тормозов, уважаю дичайше

Of the 2016 Democratic National Convention, he said the
following: "If you're an undecided voter, and male, you're
seeing something different. You're seeing a celebration
that your role in society is permanently diminished. And
it's happening in an impressive venue that was, in all
likelihood, designed and built mostly by men."[45] Adams
said that he temporarily endorsed Hillary Clinton out of
fear for his own life, stating that he had received direct
and indirect death threats ("Where I live, in California,
it is not safe to be seen as supportive of anything Trump
says or does. So I fixed that.").[46] In late September,
however, Adams switched his endorsement from Clinton to
Trump. Among his primary reasons for the switch were his
respect for Trump's persuasion skills over Clinton's,
Clinton's proposal to raise the inheritance tax, and his
concerns over Clinton's health.[47] Adams states that
being labelled a 'Donald Trump apologist' ended his public
speaking career and reduced his income by about 40%.[46]

On July 1, 2020, Adams predicted that Republicans would be
hunted if Joe Biden won the 2020 presidential

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Re: ужасно важно
2020-10-04 22:51 (ссылка)
а по sam harris (naprimer) какое мнение?

мне он кажется очень крутым, спокойным и рассудительным чуваком. внушает
доверие. с удовольствием слушаю его подкасты (но редко) последнее время

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Re: ужасно важно
2020-10-04 22:58 (ссылка)

>sam harris

никакого нет:
подкастов не слушаю, влоггеров не смотрю, только читаю
вроде бы он хороший, но подробно не вникал

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Re: ужасно важно
2020-10-05 04:14 (ссылка)
я когда-то проспонсорил субтитры здесь


(правда там два собеседника в подкасте, и без голосов читать не особо интересно)

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Re: ужасно важно
2020-10-04 22:57 (ссылка)
> Adams
said that he temporarily endorsed Hillary Clinton out of
fear for his own life, stating that he had received direct
and indirect death threats

пиздливое говно

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