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Пишет Misha Verbitsky ([info]tiphareth)
@ 2021-02-25 15:03:00

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Музыка:Scanner - FIBOLAE
Entry tags:putin, usa

вашингтонская коррупционная номенклатура
Про байдена и путлера
почему после "победы" Байдена нефть поднялась почти вдвое,
и почему политика в отношении сраной будет очень мягкой.

А чего вы хотели, к власти снова пришли вашингтонская
коррупционная номенклатура, в тандеме с банкирами и финансистами.
Сраная - хороший рынок для инвестиций, а для отмывки денег
вообще замечательный, байденовскому режиму ничего
другого и не надо. Тем более, номенклатурщик
номенклатурщику глаз не выклюет, одна гебешная олигархия
всегда договорится с другой гебешной олигархией.

Here before us is a Soviet archival document dated 9-20

April 1979, a top-secret report by a communist apparatchik
who had received a delegation of US Senators led by Joseph
Biden in 1979. After describing routine arms control
discussions, it quotes Biden as telling the Soviets
off-record that he did not really care about the
persecution of Russian dissidents. He and other Senators
might raise human rights issues with their Soviet
counterparts, but only to be seen by the [US] public as
defenders of human rights, not to have those problems
really solved. They would happily take no for an answer.


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2021-02-26 15:31 (ссылка)
в южной африке негры вообще добывают электричество из сахара:


Ayanda Mdluli

Tongaat Hulett would spend up to R2.8 billion over the next two and a half years on electricity generation projects, the agri-processing firm said last week. The company has committed between R10 million and R15m to the project in this financial year.

“It is difficult to predict how much will be committed next year as it depends on when the formal procurement process gets underway. Each of the mill projects will cost between R2.2 billion and R2.8bn, and take about 30 months for construction,” said Nico Kruger, the renewable energy executive at Tongaat Hulett.

The plan was still in its development phase and could lead to the creation of between 500 and 1 000 jobs during the 30-month construction period. Once a plant was up and running, 23 000 new jobs could be created and a further 20 000 jobs that were at risk over the next five years could be protected.

Of the 14 sugar mills in South Africa, Tongaat Hulett owns four: the Maidstone, Darnall, Amatikulu and Felixton mills.

Kruger said the electricity projects at the mills were “large and complex” and had a range of “streams” that needed to be completed before a plant could be built. A series of engineering design, environmental impact assessments (EIAs), water permits, funding structures, procurement processes, and supply contracting were some of the issues that had to be overcome before a project went ahead.

но все это, конечно, топливо будущего, сегодня на сахаре работает полтора фрика

https://apps.fas.usda.gov/psdonline/circulars/Sugar.pdf -- world Sugar production (~160 mln MT per year)

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_oil_production -- world Oil production, получается 4 миллиарда MT per year ( 80,622,000 barrels per day )

в 40 раз больше, причем из сахара на энергию идет меньшая часть, из нефти большего

но как топливо будущего -- очень даже годно

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2021-02-26 20:45 (ссылка)
в Сан-Пауло, как выясняется, и сейчас на спирту все ездят

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