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Пишет Misha Verbitsky ([info]tiphareth)
@ 2021-05-16 22:53:00

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2021-07-06 17:25 (ссылка)
I have long been telling you that Linux and Free Software are the Russian communist garbage, and Stallman is literally a RussiaToday talking head. If you want actually free software, then support public domain.

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2021-07-06 18:48 (ссылка)
этот "commmunist garbage" благополучно форкнут, и пошлют капиталистического сборщика и передавателя инфы нахуй. Если бы проект был капиталистически закрытым, то при покупке его условным русским, пришлось бы в лучшем случае тратить время и силы переучиваться на новую софтину, а в худшем сосать хуй условного русского. Так что соси капиталистический русский хуй, Садков.

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2021-07-06 19:22 (ссылка)
Nobody cares about your undiscoverable fork, yet everyone knows about Audacity, due to the free PR the commie retards made for these Russians.

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2021-07-06 19:42 (ссылка)
Nobody из велкам ту килл себя нахуй, избавиться от мучений, а заодно и улучшить человечество.

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2021-07-07 03:14 (ссылка)
1. It is unwise to label Stallman as the representative of free software, after most free software projects booted him out due to "MeToo".

2. Stallman himself has turned his back on russia long time ago, and is highly critical of pidorashkas on a personal blog: https://stallman.org/archives/2021-may-aug.html#30_June_2021_(Russian_thugs_raid_journalists), Ctrl+F "russia" on that page.

3. That said, aside from personal bias towards Stallman you have not stated any other argument why public domain is better than free software. While in reality there are multiple arguments for free software being better than public domain. MIT/BSD/Apache2 licenses are much better than public domain because they will preserve your name in credits for whole time of software life. No one wants to die without leaving a trace, right ? GPL licenses, on the other hand, are way better than MIT/BSD/Apache2 because GPL strives to preserve all the knowledge and make it public, not limited to author name.

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2021-07-07 03:25 (ссылка)
He was speaking on Russia Today as late as 2021.

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2021-07-07 03:44 (ссылка)
Тебе уже сто раз объясняли, что это ни к чему пророссийскому его не обязывает. Даже тебе было бы рационально туда сходить, теоретически, на прямой эфир например, где сразу обрезать не смогут, чтобы донести до всех светлые идеи русофобии и ненависти к монголойдам и неграм or whatever the stupid shit you will believe on that day of the week.

И вот Сталлман злится на Russian thugs! Если на русских в целом начнет наезжать, то тебе придется выпускать код под GPL.

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2021-07-07 12:43 (ссылка)
>Pushes the Russian agenda
>totally not a Kremlin bot

Ok. Enjoy your GNU/Telemetry.

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2021-07-07 13:27 (ссылка)
You also push "the Russian agenda". Ты, как и русские, считаешь что 2+2=4. О неграх у вас тоже очень схожие мнения.

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2021-07-07 03:29 (ссылка)
>1. It is unwise to label Stallman as the representative of free software, after most free software projects booted him out due to "MeToo".

Again, a struggle for power, disguised as social justice. Like Malenkov and Khruschev poisoning Stalin and then doing the assassination of his character, turning the deceased into a scapegoat:

That is what one gets for being a communist.

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2021-07-07 03:40 (ссылка)
It is so ridiculous to call free software "communism", when Linux Foundation consists of your beloved capitalist corporations:

It began in 2000, under the Open Source Development Labs (OSDL) and became the organization it is today when OSDL merged with the Free Standards Group (FSG). The Linux Foundation sponsors the work of Linux creator Linus Torvalds and lead maintainer Greg Kroah-Hartman and is supported by members such as AT&T, Cisco, Facebook,[5] Fujitsu, Google, Hitachi, Huawei, IBM, Intel, Microsoft,[6] NEC, Oracle, Orange S.A., Qualcomm, Samsung,[7] Tencent, and VMware, as well as developers from around the world.

Still free software is a space where individuals can compete with corporations. Rust programming language was created by 1 person working for non-profit, and now it's full blown multi-purpose platform, and it is much better than all the for-profit sponsored programming languages of the last decade. Qemu was mostly developed by 1 person, and it works much better than VMWare. There are countless examples beyond these obvious ones ...

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2021-07-07 04:02 (ссылка)
несколько месяцев назад был тред ровно с тем же содержанием, и с теми же аргументами про ядро линукса. Садков конечно не восприимчив, и продолжает постить свои глупые простыни про Сталмана. Потому что очень постмодернистская психика у него. Реальности никакой нет, а есть только ассоциации с Россией, в которых он уличил Сталлмана.


>Qemu was mostly developed by 1 person, and it works much better than VMWare.

Садков ни разу в жизни не признал что что-то opensource работает лучше чем проприетарщина. Органически не может, как и не может сказать что-то, что можно воспринять как хорошее, про рашку или выходцев из нее, даже когда это просто нейтральный факт.

Так что это всё впустую. Продолжать стоит только если сам акт общения с этим lolcow развлекает.


Ваш местный эксперт по Садкову.

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2021-07-07 06:28 (ссылка)
Столман инфантильное животное, лишенное моральной целостности. Садков же напротив честен до идиотизма. Да, он не признает, что опен сорес лучше, потому что это неправда. Плюс шизоидность Столмана превосходит садковскую неизмеримо. Покорми Столмана один разик говном с руки, и он уже приручен, и живет в реальности, рисуемой рукой кормящей. Садкова же не приручить, он дик своей собственной дикостью. Только пытки и карательная психиатрия могут его сломать. Столман же это фактически Садков после курса алоперидола.

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2021-07-07 07:01 (ссылка)
тфрч -- экспертная среда, которой я доверяю

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2021-07-07 15:25 (ссылка)
USSR was just a big corporation (Google "state capitalism"). And USSR cooperated with a multitude of western corporations, selling natural resources and buying the already outdated Western technology, then presenting it to the Russian bydlo as something comrade Khruschev has invented personally. Late USSR even had Pepsi Cola. That is how Communism works.

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2021-07-07 15:32 (ссылка)
BTW, here, a former Atari employee explains that Atari forbade developers to credit themselves, because in their view chief game designer was no more important than an assembly line nigger:

Then these Atari devs have rebelled and formed independent companies, while Atari has collapsed. Like the USSR in a miniature.

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2021-07-07 21:35 (ссылка)
It is true that USSR was state capitalist society. However, with Linux Foundation situation is different. All of Google, Microsoft, AWS are direct competitors, and they compete for real money, unlike "socialist competition" where in the best case winner had got a two week travel to shitty favela in Pitsunda. The reason why they commit into free software, is because they want to use each other's employee intellectual capacity and thus save some significant amount of employee time, so they can compete better in other areas. One problem that free software giants do not account for in their commitments, is that one day all software will be open-source, and there will be nothing to compete. But they think it is something inevitable like i.e. climate change, so every software giant these days commit to open knowledge and increase commitment every year.

There are some brand new economy mechanisms involved, so Marx isn't applicable, same as your beloved Mises.

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2021-07-07 06:14 (ссылка)
You are very right about this shit. GPL and the whole free shit movement started as an ideological façade for lawyers' extortion operations. Those have not been very profitable though, and without the capital support the ideology was left to rot in its own. That is why it has grown into a sort of conservative dogmatic communism which is all slogans with no rational substance. And it has attracted the typical mindless audience. That is why it is so easily corrupted by Russians, Palestinians, lefties and other such scum.
Also when leftist scum calls you schizo, that's a good thing.

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