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Пишет Misha Verbitsky ([info]tiphareth)
@ 2021-08-30 17:47:00

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Настроение: sick
Музыка:David Sylvian - LIVE IN THEATRE - 1988
Entry tags:politics, usa

спас множество человеческих жизней
профессор Джонатан Терли из либерального сайта
TheHill.com возмущается интервью полицейского, который
застрелил безоружную демонстрантку Эшли Бэббитт.
Ну типа, сейчас полицейским и за менее жесткие
превышения полномочий дают по 25 лет, а этого
полицейского оправдали.

Полицейский-убийца объясняет, что
очень счастлив, что ее убил, потому что этим убийством
спас множество человеческих жизней.

Походу, вот полный список жизней, которые были потеряны
в результате захвата здания Конгресса демонстрантами.

...Babbitt was the one person killed during the riot. (Two protesters died of natural causes and a third from an amphetamine overdose; one police officer died the next day from natural causes, and four officers have committed suicide since then.) No other officers facing similar threats shot anyone in any other part of the Capitol, even those who were attacked by rioters armed with clubs or other objects.


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2021-08-30 18:56 (ссылка)
>чо это либерального
ну вот как раз вчера что кидал ссылочку
чем это отличается от CNN?
да ничем вообще

>Единственная газета, между прочим

это когда-то было, сейчас все наоборот


The Hill currently behaves like a leftist outlet. For example, they participated in the use of photos of migrant detention facilities under the Obama administration to smear Donald Trump.[3] Some conservatives, such as Mark Dice, have criticized The Hill.[4]

The site has continuously labeled anti-establishment Republican candidates for Congress as "far-right" (including Laura Loomer and Bob Good) while giving far-left Democrats (such as the Squad) a free pass.[5] They also disparage QAnon while ignoring the violence of BLM thugs and Antifa terrorists.

The Hill ridiculously claimed in late September 2020 that several House Democrats such as Max Rose, Abigail Spanberger, Dean Phillips, and Cindy Axne were "Centrist Democrats";[6] they have all voted in favor of the impeachment coup against Donald Trump,[7] and none of them voted against certain left-wing legislation, including a climate alarmist bill,[8] the Equality Act,[9] and a bill to remove the ratification deadline for the Equal Rights Amendment.[10]

The Hill refuses to describe far-leftists as being far-left yet smears strongly conservative groups as "far-right".[11]

Following reports of many hypocritical Democrat politicians flouting their own totalitarian COVID-19 orders, The Hill published a story of South Dakota governor Kristi Noem traveling out of state while cases were rising[12] despite the story being largely extrnaeous and unworthy of mentioning due to the fact that unlike totalitarian liberals, she never restricted residents in her state from traveling elsewhere.[13]

Despite having referred to migrant detention centers under
the Trump presidency as "cages",[14] The Hill refers to
such under the tenure of the Biden junta merely as
"shelter for young migrants".[15]

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2021-08-30 20:37 (ссылка)
>The Crimea is a diamond-shaped peninsula in Russia, surrounded...

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2021-08-31 09:07 (ссылка)
Я тоже охуел от таких цитирований.

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2021-08-30 21:18 (ссылка)
Нуу окей, но я не знаю, как из этого видно либеральный байас https://thehill.com/policy/technology/569588-reddit-moderators-call-on-platform-to-fight-covid-19-misinformation
очень сильно отличается от CNN. Обычный репортинг про чо там на реддите.

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2021-08-31 00:36 (ссылка)
Users were locked from commenting on Huffman’s post, but in separate discussions users were critical of his stance.

“There is nothing authentic about the harmful discussion and debate coming from those subs,” one user wrote, referring to subreddits. “They move goalposts, repeat lie after lie after lie, and generally endanger all people. This reply is insane, and the chickenshit didn't even have the balls to allow comments.”

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2021-08-31 12:32 (ссылка)
> conservapedia.com

лол вот откуда такимаг размножается

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2021-09-02 03:06 (ссылка)
а таки чей крым, кропалик?

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