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Пишет Misha Verbitsky ([info]tiphareth)
@ 2021-09-09 06:54:00

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Настроение: sick
Музыка:Assemblage 23 - FAILURE
Entry tags:censorship, sjw

book burning ceremony
Канадская школьная администрация в Онтарио провела
церемонию сжигания книжек, содержащих расизм.

В общей сложности было уничтожено около 5000 книжек,
в том числе комиксы "Tintin in America," "Asterix and the
Indians", романы, биографии и энциклопедии.

Раньше эти люди шли в инквизиторы, потом были активистами NSDAP,
теперь они идут в школьные администраторы и пропагандируют
equity, diversity, inclusion. Разницы вообще никакой.


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2021-09-12 16:43 (ссылка)

A visit to lower Manhattan’s Stuyvesant High School was like being in “Chinatown,” a former city Education Department official said, according to a lawsuit by another former official who says he was demoted because he is white.

The remark by former Deputy Chancellor Milady Baez came during a meeting nearly three years ago with staffers and principals, said her former employee Richard Bellis, who claims he was there.

At the April 2018 meeting with several Education Department staff members and principals, “Baez crassly stated to everyone about her recent visit to Stuyvesant High School, ‘I walked into Stuyvesant HS and I thought I was in Chinatown!’,” the lawsuit claims.

At the time, Baez was head of the department’s Division of English Language Learners, which put her in charge of overseeing programs for 150,000 students learning English as a new language.


Only 9 percent of offers made by elite schools like Stuyvesant High School and Bronx High School of Science went to Black and Latino students this year, down from 11 percent last year. Only eight Black students received offers to Stuyvesant out of 749 spots, and only one Black student was accepted into Staten Island Technical High School, out of 281 freshman seats.

Over half of the 4,262 offers this year went to Asian students. The schools have enormous significance for thousands of low-income Asian-American students who attend them, many of them immigrants or the children of immigrants. Efforts to change the admissions system have been seen by some as disregarding the accomplishments of those vulnerable students. Accusations of bias from Asian-American New Yorkers have made the debate over whether to keep the exam as the sole means of entry into the schools extremely fraught.

Though Black and white students made up the same percentage of test takers — about 18 percent each — less than 4 percent of Black students received offers, compared with nearly 28 percent of white students, a clear sign that having large numbers of Black students take the exam is not leading to more equitable outcomes.

The disappointing results released on Thursday show just how profoundly segregated the nation’s largest school system still is and will no doubt lead to fresh calls for the state, which controls entry into some of the schools, to get rid of the entrance exam.
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Specialized school alumni have expressed dismay at the dwindling number of Black and Latino students. The percentage of Black and Latino enrollment at Stuyvesant, Bronx Science and Brooklyn Technical High School has hit its lowest point in the city’s recorded history in the last 10 years, a trend that has accelerated during the last several years in particular.

“We are outraged but not surprised at the alarming 2021 results,” Brianna Gallimore, a student at the High School of American Studies at Lehman College and an organizer at Teens Take Charge, a student-led group that supports eliminating the exam, said in a statement on Thursday. “The exam should not have been administered, especially during a pandemic. It should never be administered again.”

Aside from his effort to overhaul specialized school admissions, Mr. de Blasio has not made school integration of the roughly 1,800 schools he does control a top priority during his two terms as mayor. Disagreements between the mayor and Richard A. Carranza, the former schools chancellor, about how aggressively to pursue desegregation policies helped prompt Mr. Carranza’s resignation earlier this year.

The city’s new chancellor, Meisha Porter, called on the state to eliminate the exam in a statement Thursday. “I know from my 21 years as an educator that far more students could thrive in our specialized high schools, if only given the chance,” she said. “Instead, the continued use of the Specialized High School Admissions Test will produce the same unacceptable results over and over again.”

Ronald S. Lauder, the billionaire cosmetics heir, launched a multimillion dollar lobbying and advertising campaign in 2019 to defeat the mayor’s push to eliminate the specialized school exam. As part of that effort, Mr. Lauder and his partner in the initiative, former Citigroup chairman Richard D. Parsons, promised to shower test preparation companies with money to better prepare Black and Latino students for the exam.

Despite over $750,000 spent on test prep over the last two years, most of which was funneled to existing nonprofit programs across the city, their plan has not made a dent in the numbers.

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2021-09-16 20:09 (ссылка)
>Only 9 percent of offers made by elite schools like Stuyvesant High School and Bronx High School of Science went to Black and Latino students this year, down from 11 percent last year. Only eight Black students received offers to Stuyvesant out of 749 spots, and only one Black student was accepted into Staten Island Technical High School, out of 281 freshman seats. Over half of the 4,262 offers this year went to Asian students. The schools have enormous significance for thousands of low-income Asian-American students who attend them, many of them immigrants or the children of immigrants

И возмущен? Ребята из бедных иммигрантских азиатских семей получат путевку в жизнь через хорошую школу. По-твоему азиато-американец это не американец? А целых 9% офферов для черных - это дофига, учитывая, что черных в стране 12% и треть из них сидела. То есть расизм как обычно не подтверждается. Люди как люди, если вовремя забрать из плохого окружения. Черные, желтые, белые.

Обьяснение элементарное: эти азиаты - мигранты 2/3 поколения и несут в себе воззрения своих родителей из диких мест. Своих детей они уже будут учить иначе, кидать их не в СТЕМ-школы, а учить на докторов и CPA, чтобы работать меньше, а получать за ничегонеделание космические деньги.

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