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Пишет Misha Verbitsky ([info]tiphareth)
@ 2021-11-16 14:26:00

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Настроение: sick
Музыка:The Wind In The Willows - S/T 1968
Entry tags:mp, music, youtube

Herz aus Glas
Отлично вообще, не знал про такое
Monty Python's 'Happy Valley Fairy Tale' Rare & Complete

The Happy Valley Fairy Tale had originally been written

for 'Monty Python's Fliegender Zirkus', a special episode
for German television. This particular sketch, as far as
the record version was concerned, also allowed a Python to
utter the ultimate swear word for the first time. The
honour went to Terry Jones who screams: "because she's a
fucking Princess, that's why!" Eric Idle too was able to
fly in the face of BBC restrictions. His holiday-maker
with the inability to say the letter 'C' casually admits
that's he's a "silly bunt!" Although included in the
television sketch, the line was cut at the insistence of
the BBC and just the raucous laughter of the studio
audience was left as evidence.

По типажам массовки и общей дебильности всех
персонажей и ситуации один в один Herz aus Glas
Херцога (гениальный, кстати, фильм).

Кстати о гениальном фильме,
меня всегда интересовал один вопрос,
и я сегодня не поленился нагуглить ответ

A few years before the Blondie song "Heart of Glass" came

out, a movie directed by German filmmaker Werner Herzog
was also released under the title "Heart of Glass" for the
English-speaking market (the original German title was
Herz aus Glas, according to the International Film
Festival Rotterdam). The film used a glassblowing factory
in a small Bavarian village as a metaphor for the rise and
fall of the industrial revolution, the futility of the
human condition, and other assorted highbrow topics as
interpreted by Roger Ebert.

Blondie lyricist Chris Stein said that there was none of
this heavy-duty imagery going on in the Blondie song. As
he told The Guardian, "I came up with the phrase 'heart of
glass' without knowing anything about Werner Herzog or his
movie of the same name, which is a great, weird film."
While we don't know what Herzog thinks of the fact that
his film title has become forever associated with one of
New Wave's greatest hits, Stein himself said, "I never had
an inkling it would be such a big hit, or become the song
we'd be most remembered for. It's very gratifying."

* * *

Группа говно, и песня тоже в общем говно, но девушка
настолько неописуемо красивая,

что я отсмотрел половину их концертов
(минут по 5 каждый). И в самом деле, из всех их песен
эта конкретно наименее скучная.

Хотя если она не поет, а просто ходит, это
однозначно гораздо интереснее и лучше.

А вот это вот хорошее
Wind in the Willows
1968 LP (Full Album)
группа, где она выступала в роли второй вокалистки.
Офигенное, неиллюзорно.

Эберт, кстати, помер еще в 2013-м году, я и не знал
жалко, единственный фильмокритик, не вызывавший желание
дичайше удавить нахуй.


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2021-11-16 21:09 (ссылка)
Но все равно сдохнешь махровым пидерастом, селяви.


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