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Пишет Misha Verbitsky ([info]tiphareth)
@ 2023-07-11 08:05:00

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Настроение: sick
Музыка:Worms of the Earth - ANAGAMI
Entry tags:anti-russia, ddos, fanfic, smeshnoe

закупают амуницию и готовятся атаковать РФ
Очередной пароксизм

Anonymous Sudan
(гебешная хакерская группа) ведет
ддос-атаку против Archive of Our Own (Ao3), крупнейшего
неподцензурного фанфик-сайта. Зумеры, лишенные доступа
к любимому чтиву, закупают амуницию и готовятся атаковать РФ.

AO3 users has gathered together and began to share various

models, checkpoints, loras, and prompts meant for
generating hardcore rape/gore/bestiality, and train then
even further on images of russian soldiers converted into
anime girls on. Additionally, they also recycle already
existing images via inpainting and manual
edits. Everything remotely related to Russia also appears
on the menu: Waifus, politicians, some random people
(influencers maybe?), and even AK girls from Girls

I'm not going to elaborate on that part any further, and
if you want to know then find on this sub whoever made me
witness a nightmarish image of Lazerpig vacuuming a nut
out of Prigozhin's gaping anus.

Apart from the image channel, there was also one dedicated
to written stories and voice chat. I'm leaving the rest to
your imagination tho.

I've also tried asking on general whenever this stuff
started to get uploaded outside of server, but everyone
seems to be just busy with creating stuff. From my POV it
looks they're just stroking their rage bone and everything
might burn out after a decent amount of sleep or it will
get banned very quickly, but don't quote me on that.

Now if you excuse, I'm going to touch grass for rest of
the month. I have witnessed the devil and he was

* * *

В оправдание своей акции, русня заявила, что
у AO3 на сайте разврат и гомосексуалисты, а русские
воюют с развратом и гомосексуализмом.
Также русские заявили, что они будут уничтожать
все американские сайты, потому что русские воюют
с Америкой, и потребовали $30,000 в биткойнах.
