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Пишет Misha Verbitsky ([info]tiphareth)
@ 2023-10-25 16:58:00

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Настроение: sick
Музыка:Tangerine Dream - Barcelona 1976
Entry tags:sjw, usa

борьба с южанином, жидом и католиком
рассказывают, что woke movement
это просто мутация протестантской секты Social Gospel
начала 20-го века, и по факту единственная его функция
это борьба с южанином, жидом и католиком.

The increasingly powerful and intolerant woke national

overclass justifies its cultural iconoclasm in the name of
oppressed minorities. But this is just an excuse for a
top-down program of cultural imperialism by mostly white,
affluent, college-educated managers and professionals and
rentiers. Woke attitudes are much less common among Black
Americans and Hispanic Americans than among the white
college-educated elite.

What we are witnessing is a power grab carried out chiefly
by some white Americans against other white Americans. The
goal of the new woke national establishment, the successor
to the old Northeastern mainline Protestant establishment
that was temporarily displaced by the neo-Jacksonian New
Deal Democratic coalition, is to stigmatize, humiliate and
disempower recalcitrant Southern, Catholic, and Jewish
whites, along with members of ethnic and racial minorities
who refuse to be assimilated into the new national
orthodoxy disseminated from New York, San Francisco,
Washington, D.C., and the prestigious private universities
of New England. Properly understood, the Great Awokening
is the revenge of the Yankees.



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2023-10-26 07:25 (ссылка)
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2023-10-26 22:07 (ссылка)
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