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Пишет Misha Verbitsky ([info]tiphareth)
@ 2023-10-29 10:59:00

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Настроение: sick
Музыка:Coil - The Ape Of Naples
Entry tags:porn, smeshnoe

more positive working atmosphere on campus
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Students demand glory holes on campus to create 'positive

working environment'

Students from a university in Germany have demanded glory
holes in a lecture hall in a bid to inspire a "positive
working environment".

Student representatives at the University of Augsburg told
college officials they want three of the anonymous sex
spots created along a specially constructed partition to
challenge 'heteronormativity'.

This is what makes heterosexuality seem coherent, natural
and privileged, and the students reckon because glory
holes are a kink, this challenges heteronormativity.

The bizarre plan emerged after a rush of mentions about
glory holes on the university's 'wishing wall', where
students post ideas about college life.

Какие прилежные и сознательные студенты!
В итоге ничего не вышло, увы, учащиеся демократически
проголосовали за гетеронормативность.

Students have voted on whether to allow glory holes for

anonymous sex in public toilets at a German university.

A heated discussion arose as the University of Augsburg's
Student Convention met at 6pm yesterday to discuss whether
to allow the holes that are used for sexual purposes in
the toilets at the lecture hall centre.

Another item on the agenda for the Student Convention
meeting yesterday was a memorial for the campus cat Leon,
who passed away on September 14.

The students talked about the glory holes, or Sex-L?chern
in German, for about an hour.

'Three gloryholes are to be built in the lecture hall
center opposite the entrance, where the information boards
are currently located,' the application text said, noting
that the cabins should be soundproof and opaque.

But the suggestion sparked outcry, with the Ring of
Christian Democratic Students arguing in an open letter to
the university president that the establishment of glory
holes at a university is 'not only inappropriate, but also
highly scandalous and unacceptable'.

The application added: 'The lights should be dimmable and
possible knee padding should be installed. Condoms, lick
wipes, lubricants and disinfectants and wipes should also
be provided free of charge in the glory holes; trash cans
will also be needed.'

'A gloryhole would contribute to diversification on
campus, as kink could also be experienced or lived at the
university,' the application put forward.

'Sex can also be a relaxing activity, which can be very
useful in the often stressful everyday university
life. The associated stress reduction would ensure a more
positive working atmosphere on campus.'

Although some in attendance at the Student Convention were
in support, it was concluded that the 'suggestion that the
proposal should be viewed as a joke proposal was accepted
by a majority'.

В пизду такую жизнь.

Steel Panther - Gloryhole (Explicit)


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2023-10-29 23:40 (ссылка)
Миша сам - примерный семьянин, зато в теории выступает за всяческие непотребства, сатанинские гей оргии и так далее.

(Ответить) (Ветвь дискуссии)

2023-10-30 02:39 (ссылка)
И что в этом плохого? Вот у вас есть хобби?

(Ответить) (Уровень выше) (Ветвь дискуссии)

2023-10-30 08:25 (ссылка)
есть, травля хохлов в интернете и призывы к их полному истреблению

(Ответить) (Уровень выше) (Ветвь дискуссии)

2023-11-03 11:00 (ссылка)
это же хобби?
а в остальное время - донаты ВСУ и помощь беженцам?

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2024-05-06 05:04 (ссылка)
Это разумная просьба? drift hunters

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