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Пишет Misha Verbitsky ([info]tiphareth)
@ 2024-02-19 14:18:00

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Настроение: tired
Музыка:Atom Heart Mother Goes On The Road Full Live Bootleg
Entry tags:.rw, math

the country had almost completely disintegrated already
Занятное интервью великого математика
Аугустина Баньяги, про детство на банановой
плантации в Руанде

Вообще из Руанды есть несколько хороших математиков
(возможно, они все студенты Баньяги, по крайней
мере единственный мой знакомый руандиец упоминается
у него в интервью).

Особенно интересно

Jackson: You were the first Rwandan to get a PhD in

mathematics. Is that why you were interviewed on TV? Are
you well known in Rwanda?

Banyaga: Yes. I know personally some people who have been
in the government. The present government is Tutsi and is
from a group that came with an army from Uganda and took
over Rwanda. The Rwandan genocide started at that
time. The previous president [Juv'enal Habyarimana], who
died in a plane crash in 1994, had asked me to be prime
minister. Of course I refused.

Jackson: Why did you refuse?

Banyaga: I told him that the country had almost completely
disintegrated already. The aggression was so high, the
people were very divided. Actually, if I had accepted, I
would have been killed too.

Jackson: Why did he ask you? You're not a politician. You
are a mathematician!

Banyaga: Yes! I don't know why. Maybe he thought that, if
somebody is able to think correctly and do mathematics,
that person can save the country.

Jackson: He knew you were smart and accomplished.

Banyaga: And I don't have in my heart hatred of anybody. I
don't hate Tutsis, I don't hate Hutus. So probably he
thought I could make a good linkage between all the

Jackson: Were you tempted at all to take that position?

Banyaga: Not at all. I was writing beautiful papers. I was
doing good mathematics.

Throughout my life, I have not been involved in
politics. Now I am 72. When I left Rwanda, I was 20. You
see, I spent almost all my life abroad. Usually I never
talk about Hutu or Tutsi. But all these things are
connected with my life somehow.

Jackson: They have followed you.

Banyaga: Exactly. I try not to be interested in what
is going on in Rwanda, but I find myself looking at
news from Rwanda every day! I can't help it.

Jackson: I can understand that. You are interested in
your home country even if in some sense you think it
might be better not to be interested! When were you
last in Rwanda?

Banyaga: After 1990, I didn't go to Rwanda at all.


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