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Пишет Misha Verbitsky ([info]tiphareth)
@ 2006-12-12 11:27:00

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Настроение: sick
Музыка:Адаптация - Фестиваль Суховей 4
Entry tags:japan, spectacle

постоянно рекламируют депрессию

Рассказывают, что в Японии не было
такой вещи как "депрессия" (не просто не было болезни,
не было соответствующего понятийного аппарата), но
из-за необходимости продавать японцам прозак
пришлось ее обнаружить, и теперь японцы
постоянно рекламируют депрессию.

Реально - "депрессия" была, просто она
была одной из буддистских добродетелей,
вроде склонности наблюдать сакуру и размышлять
о бренности сущего. А теперь ее лечат.


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2006-12-13 00:25 (ссылка)
Вот, кстати

In the eighteenth century, the group of scholars and poets
that dedicated themselves to kokugaku , or "Japanese
Studies," considered the Manyoshu to be the single most
important work of literature in Japan. Within this work,
they discovered what they felt were the essential
characteristics of both Japanese literature as a whole and
the Japanese mind. Chief among these characteristics was
mono no aware, or a sense of the sadness of things. What
does this mean? For the kokugakushu, the poems of the
Manyoshu are distinguished by their perception of how all
objects, no matter how inconspicuous, betray the ultimate
sadness or tragedy of life on earth. This isn't a
"teenagers dressed in black" kind of tragedy that you see
all around you, but rather a calm, sedate, and meditative
sense of the universality of loss and sadness. In
addition, the kokugakushu found that the essential spirit
of Japanese poetry was one of sensitivity (aware ) to the
things of the world. For the kokugakushu , the Manyoshu
showed that the Japanese mind had a special connection to
the things of this world and their beauty and
meaning. This understanding of the Manyoshu in the
eighteenth century made this collection of poems one of
the most significant works of Japanese literature in the
pre-modern and modern times. The aesthetic of aware and
mono no aware became one of the dominant principles of
modern Japanese writing and film.

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