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Пишет tristes_tigres ([info]tristes_tigres)
@ 2014-11-08 21:46:00

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ОБСЕ про обстрел школы в Донецке
On 5 November, at 18:02hrs, a Ukrainian military representative from the Joint Centre for Control and Co-ordination (JCCC) in Debaltseve informed the SMM about shelling and fatalities on Stepanenko Street, three kilometres north-west of the city centre of Donetsk. On 6 and 7 November the SMM visited the site of the reported incident, where it identified ten craters. Nearby shelling forced the SMM to leave the area.
All craters seen by the SMM were about one metre in diameter and the depths varied. The SMM’s analysis indicates that at least four of the craters were caused by 120mm mortar shells and two others were the result of 122mm artillery rounds. In the SMM’s assessment, all of these were fired from a location north-west of the football pitch and were the result of high-angle fire.

Снаряды прилетели с северозапада. А вот фрагмент от карты, которую здесь непрерывно спамит украинствующий врунишка [info]anti_myth чтобы было понятнее, кого имеет в виду ОБСЕ, когда говорит "позиции с северо-запада"

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2014-11-09 02:45 (ссылка)
Учитывая, что там школ нету, я надеюсь, ответка была чем-нибудь потяжелее.

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