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Пишет vadim_i_z ([info]vadim_i_z)
@ 2011-12-06 22:39:00

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Конкурс автоматических переводчиков
Все счастливые семьи похожи друг на друга, каждая несчастливая семья несчастлива по-своему.
Все смешалось в доме Облонских. Жена узнала, что муж был в связи с бывшею в их доме француженкою-гувернанткой, и объявила мужу, что не может жить с ним в одном доме.
All happy families resemble one another, each unhappy family nesčastlivaâ.
Messed oblonskys. The wife learns that her husband was in connection with byvšeû in their house francuženkoû-with an iron fist, and announced to her husband that he could not live with him in the same House.
All happy families resemble one another, each unhappy family is unhappy in its own way.
Everything was mixed up in the house Oblonskys. My wife learned that her husband was in connection with the former in their home, a French governess, and her husband that she can not live with him in the same house.
All happy families are similar to each other, each unfortunate family is unfortunate in its own way. Everything was mixed in the house Of [oblonskikh]. Wife learned, that the husband was in connection with the governess former in their house, and it declared to husband, that it cannot live with it in one house.
All happy families are alike;each unhappy family is unhappy in its own way.
All mixed up in the Oblonskys'house. My wife learned that her husband was in connection with ex in their house француженкою-the governess, and announced to her husband that she can't live with them in the same house..
All happy families are similar against each other, each unhappy family is unhappy in own way.
All has mixed up in Oblonskij house. The wife has learnt that the husband was in connection with бывшею in their house the frantsuzhenkoju-governess, and declared to the husband that cannot live with it in one house.
Translated by Constance Garnett (1901):
Happy families are all alike; every unhappy family is unhappy in its own way.
Everything was in confusion in the Oblonskys’ house. The wife had discovered that the husband was carrying on an intrigue with a French girl, who had been a governess in their family, and she had announced to her husband that she could not go on living in the same house with him.

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2011-12-06 17:43 (ссылка)
Интересно, как гувернантка превратилась в этот кулак.

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2011-12-07 14:34 (ссылка)
"with an iron fist" - устойчивое выражение, значит "сурово, строго".

Бинг слово "гувернантка" в именительном распознает как governess, в прочих падежах бывают варианты профессии (nanny, au pair) а в творительном она почему-то плавно превращается в идиомную строгость.

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2011-12-07 14:50 (ссылка)
А у меня с "Капитанской дочкой" ассоциация. "To govern with an iron fist" - "править железной рукой" - и "ежовые рукавицы" из второй главы повести Пушкина :-)

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