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This 'weight-transparent \bm' command I will call \WTbm. Here is one possible definition:
\def\WT@in@#1#2{\edef\WT@Aux@in@{\noexpand\in@{#1}{#2}}\WT@Aux@in@} \DeclareRobustCommand{\WTbm}[1]{\WT@in@{b}{\f@series}\ifin@{\bm{#1}}\else{#1}\fi}
Furthermore, we can also exclude certain specific weights from counting as bold for the purposes of our \WTbm. For example, in order for the weight whose descriptor is eb to not count as bold, do the following: in any of the above definitions, replace the appearance of \bm{#1} by {\def\excl{eb}\ifx\f@series\excl#1\else\bm{#1}\fi}.
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