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Пишет pamupec ([info]pamupec) в [info]apocalypse_cult
@ 2006-09-26 17:26:00

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Entry tags:библиотека, конспирология

Диктатура вырождения.....

Диктатура вырождения.....

Развелечения мировой элиты, сначала они насилуют детей а потом их сжигают, взято из американского бестселлера Trance Formation of America о котором кстати очень мало инфы в рунете...... Если заинтересовало я книженцию выложил на на фтп нашего сайта http://www.another-israel.org/trance.rar

It was late evening when Bush and Cheney finished programming me with
numerous messages pertaining to the immediate opening of the Juarez, Mexican
border to free (drug and slave) trade. They then took me downstairs to the
living quarters of the western cedar and redwood structure where Kelly soon
joined us. George Bush, Jr. deposited my obviously traumatized and withdrawn
child at the door. Referring to The Most Dangerous Game she told me in a
quiet, defeated and sad voice, "I was caught same as you".
In retrospect, I do not know if she was actually hunted (I can only hope she
was not). Regardless, this reinforced the fact that 1 had been caught and
therefore was "responsible" (when in fact I was not) for everything that
happened to Kelly from that point on.
The decor of the residence area reflected Cheney's primitive, rustic, western
preference. Like his "ultra secret" Pentagon Bunkhouse, use of leather was in
abundance. The main room was small, but appeared larger due to an infinity
mirror on one wall. The room was decorated in mirror fashion with one side
looking like the other. Centered between two facing black leather sofas was a
coffee table littered with drugs and paraphernalia. Bush and Cheney were
sitting in matching black leather recliners angled towards the large stone
fireplace where a fire was blazing, illuminating and heating the room.
Heroin, Bush's drug of choice, was in abundance and Cheney joined him in
using it. The smorgasbord of drugs laid out supposedly included opium,
cocaine, and Wonderland Wafers (MDMHA-XTC aka ecstasy), which indicated
to me they intended to celebrate their vacation with abandon. 1 had seen
Cheney stumbling drunk before, but this was the only time I saw him use heroin
and give it to me. Kelly, too, was subjected to the drugs.
Bush attempted to sell Cheney on the idea of pedophilia through graphic
descriptions of having sex with Kelly. Both were already sexually aroused from
drugs and anticipation. Cheney demonstrated to Bush why he did not have sex
with kids by exposing himself to Kelly and saying, "Come here". Upon seeing
Cheney's unusually large penis, Kelly reeled back in horror and cried, "No!"
which made them both laugh. Bush asked Cheney for his liquid cocaine
atomizer as he got up to take Kelly to the bedroom. When Cheney remarked
how benevolent it was of Bush to numb her with it before sex, Bush replied,
"The hell it is. It's for me." He described his excited state in typical vulgar
terms and explained that he wanted it to spray cocaine on his penis to last
Cheney said, "I thought it was for the kid."
Bush explained, "Half the fun is having them squirm." He took Kelly's
hand and led her off to the bedroom.
Cheney told me that since I was "responsible" for Bush's assault on my
daughter by being caught in A Most Dangerous Game, I would "burn" (in hell).
He burned my inner thigh with the fireplace poker, and threatened to throw
Kelly in the fire. He hypnotically enhanced his description of her burning to
traumatize me deeply. As he sexually brutalized me, I heard Kelly's whimpers
coming from the bedroom. As her cries grew louder, Cheney turned on
classical music to drown out her cries for help.
At 4:00 am, as ordered, Bush Jr. (and his helicopter pilot) came to retrieve
Kelly and me. We were flown (by helicopter) back to the Lake Shasta area
where Houston and the motor home awaited us. Bush's assault of Kelly proved
to be a mind shattering experience for me, and physically devastating to Kelly.
She was in dire need of medical attention and was unable even to move.
Houston threatened to stop the motor home in the Yosemite area and throw me
from a steep cliff if I didn't settle down. His threats and commands could not
control my hysteria, as much of his control programming had inadvertently
shattered. Fearful he would lose both his "money-makers," Houston permitted
me to telephone Kelly's doctor and begin administering medicines. As for me,
he arranged for assistance in picking up the pieces in order that I complete my
primary purpose in traveling to California, i.e., meet with Mexican President
Miguel de Ja Madrid and finalize plans Co open the Juarez border.

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2006-09-27 12:15 (ссылка)
Так это мы же и выложили эту книгу:))))))))) Наш проект - это попытка собрать русскую версию Культуры Времён Апокалипсиса, а пдф с оригиналом я лично залил на свою фтп... Ссылка в юзеринфо сообщества.

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2006-09-27 14:22 (ссылка)
А Новодворская --- культура времён апокалипсиса, или нет?

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