Сюда стучат - Cocks_laden attacks LJR with his spam!
September 30th, 2019
07:17 pm


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Cocks_laden attacks LJR with his spam!

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[User Picture]
Date:September 30th, 2019 - 02:55 pm
As far as I know, Gafurov is nothing less than IRL friend of laden. Tell me who your friends are...
However, if these two are actual buddies, then it is likely that huiladen was just keeping a mirror of his "good" friend's blog. Not for money, but just to help his buddy.
Of course, cuck_laden still may get some cash for keeping his many, many, many other accounts, which is strictly forbidden here.
[User Picture]
Date:September 30th, 2019 - 03:02 pm
sokol_iz_narnii also posts obviously paid for promotions, although for some reason he combines it with political content. I'm curious if Narnia copyright holders know that their trademark is used to push political agenda and the franchise is being associated with unrelated shit.
[User Picture]
Date:September 30th, 2019 - 03:39 pm
Like anybody is insane enough to actually read him.
[User Picture]
Date:September 30th, 2019 - 05:44 pm
I read him out of curiosity what gets Kremlin concerned. And he is one of the few Kemlin bots, which haven't mentioned the Greta yet. Why?
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