Сюда стучат - Cocks_laden attacks LJR with his spam!
September 30th, 2019
07:17 pm


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Cocks_laden attacks LJR with his spam!

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[User Picture]
Date:September 30th, 2019 - 06:12 pm
They also duplicate their spam to numerous outlets. For example

gives us:

[User Picture]
Date:September 30th, 2019 - 06:12 pm
But yeah, that Ivan can be a real person, here is his photo:
[User Picture]
Date:September 30th, 2019 - 06:31 pm
Do note that andrusha does not have any mirrors of his LJR blog, not even at LJ (his livejournal is dead). And do note that he posts not reposts, but link with unfunny joke. And is able to (try to) keep dialogue in comments.
Also, Verbitskiy can sing you a song of LJR people: he have seen how andrusha made a face-heel turn from liberalism to his current... errr... worldview. It wasn't in instant and, likely, was a creepy shit to watch. A literal deterioration of andrusha's intelligence and conscience. But this is an obvious proof that andrusha is just another retard and will post bullshit even for free.
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