Сообщество, посвящённое ра - Casineria
October 8th, 2011
09:56 pm


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 Casineria was a tetrapod which lived 340 million years ago in the Mississippian epoch. Casineria was a small animal with a total length estimated to have been 15 centimeters. It lived in what was then a fairly dry environment in Scotland. It is noted for its mix of primitive (amphibian) and advanced (reptilian) characters, putting it at or very near the origin of the amniotes. The sole find is lacking key elements (most of the skull and the whole lower body is missing), making exact analysis is difficult.

 Its name, Casineria, is a latinization of Cheese Bay, the site near Edinburgh, where it was found.

 While retaining a general build like those found in the amphibian reptiliomorph groups like Seymouriamorpha and Diadectomorpha, Casineria also shows features that ties it in with early reptiles, notably a generally gracile build with light leg-bones, unfused ankles and toes terminating in claws. This would enable the animal to use their feet actively in traction, rather than as holdfasts, and indication of a primarily terrestrial lifestyle. These traits shows it was more closely related to amniotes than to other known reptiliomorph amphibians.

 With its advanced features, Casineria may have been one of the very first true amniotes, and thus the first reptile under traditional classification. In phylogenetic parlance it would have been a stem amniote, close to, but outside the crown group Amniota (a group containing the last common ancestor of synapsids and sauropsids and all its descendants). Casineria pushes back the origin of amniote lineages much farther than was previously realized.

 Casineria was an insectivore. This earliest amniote had five fingers with claws on each hand, and marks the earliest clawed foot. Claws being an intimately bound to the formation of keratinous scales in reptiles, Casineria would in life in all likelihood bear scaly, reptilian type skin. In life, it would resemble a small lizard.

 Likely being among the first amniotes in the biological sense, it would have laid amniotic egg not dependent on being laid in water to survive, possibly hiding them in damp vegetation or hollowed out tree stumps. This has been inferred from the fact that Casineria was found in rocks showing a rather dry environment. In the early Carboniferous period before the appearance of Casineria, vertebrates were primarily aquatic, only spending part of their time on land. Casineria and its relatives were the first vertebrates to live and reproduce on land.


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