Сообщество, посвящённое ра - Lysorophus
October 25th, 2011
08:59 pm


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 Lysorophus is a genus of Lysorophia, extinct Permian Lepospondyl tetrapods. Most of the specimens are found from North America and attributed to the first formally described species Lysorophus tricarinatus due to the lack of diagnostic characters, but several other species have been described. Lysorophus were small salamander-like amphibians. They lived in fresh water, aestivating in burrows during dry periods.

  Lysorophia is an order of aquatic Carboniferous and Permian amphibians within the extinct subclass Lepospondyli. Lysorophians resembled small snakes, as their bodies are extremely elongate. There is a single family, the Lysorophidae. Currently there are around five genera included within Lysorophia.

 The skull is lightly built and open, with large orbits and fenestrae. The intertemporal, supratemporal, postfrontal, and jugal bones of the skull have disappeared. The mandibles are short, and the maxilla and premaxilla freely movable.

 The torso is very elongate, the limbs diminutive or absent, and the tail short. There are up to 99 pre-sacral (i.e. not including the hips and tail) vertebrae.

 Based on morphology of the cranio-vertebral articulation, Lysorophids are usually considered to be related to the Microsauria, although the pattern of bones of the skull is very different.

 Lysorophians are known mainly from the Late Pennsylvanian and Early Permian of North America. In North America, fossils of lysorophians have been found from places such as the Chinle Formation in San Juan County, Utah and the Mazon Creek fossil beds in Grundy County, Illinois. Carboniferous lysorophians are also known from Europe, having been found from England and Ireland. Possible remains of a lysorophian have also been found from La Machine, France, although they may belong to an aïstopod.


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