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Пишет DK ([info]k_d_s)
@ 2020-04-12 20:53:00

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Настроение: sleepy
Entry tags:lustig, politik, russland, ukraine, usa

Ukrainian Giuliani ally hires ex-lawmaker to lobby Trump administration
The filing shows only that Derkach hired a man named Andy Victor Kuchma to lobby for him, along with a second person named Nabil Ahmad Bader.

But “Andy Victor Kuchma” is actually Artemenko's legal name, he told POLITICO. He said he legally changed his name to Andy Victor Kuchma in 2017; his wife’s last name is Kuchma, he said, and the new name is easier for Americans to understand. (Despite that, he still went by Andrii Artemenko when he appeared in a OAN episode about the Biden family a few months ago.)