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Пишет Abu Antos' ([info]syarzhuk)
@ 2009-05-05 11:47:00

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Entry tags:tango lesson

C&T Moreno, "Exploring Nuevo Tango Concepts"
1 - double boleo - back and immediately front
2 - simple volcada in open embrace. Leader, modify the right arm to offer the deltoid to the partner. Step to the L, chg wgt, step with L back and around. The lady has to keep the back straight, not "otklyachivat' popu", not stick the belly forward
3. Simple front gancho with led back cross. In cross system, step fwd w/R, lady steps back with R. Shift the weight back to L, bring the lady's R over to do an inner front gancho. Shift the weight fwd, bring the lady's R foot to cross behind the L.