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@ 2020-12-01 20:45:00

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Настроение: amused
Entry tags:belgien, corona, eu, lgbt, lustig, politik, ungarn

We interrupted a gang bang
A Member of the European Parliament representing Hungarian Prime Minister Victor Orban's Fidesz party has resigned from his position in Brussels after being caught leaving a 25-man orgy that he attended.

József Szájer resigned as an MEP on Sunday after he admitted breaching Belgium's strict lockdown rules to attend a sex party, Politico reported. Police found 25 naked men at the gathering, including Szájer and a number of diplomats, according to Belgian newspaper La Dernière Heure. A source in the local police told the newspaper: "We interrupted a gang bang."

Orban's Hungarian government has curtailed LGBTQI rights since he was elected prime minister in 2010.

Szájer, who fronted Fidesz in the European Parliament, helped rewrite Hungary's constitution to "protect the institution of marriage as the union of a man and a woman," The Times of London reported.