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Пишет Misha Verbitsky ([info]tiphareth)
@ 2016-08-15 22:31:00

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Настроение: sick
Музыка:Макарон - ФИЛОСОФИЯ ЖИЗНИ
Entry tags:.ua, antifa, art, smeshnoe

Информационное агентство "Антифашист"
Информационное агентство "Антифашист" сообщает.

Российский художник Павленский, перед которым благоговела

украинская патриотическая ``тусовка'', устроил в Одессе
кровавый перфоманс. Это в Москве ``мытець'' назло Путину
прибивал яйца к мостовой и поджигал двери ФСБ, а в Украине
его соратник на глазах восторженной публики зарезал
человека - и не поморщился.

Антифашизм! Неприличное слово, в принципе говоря.
По ссылке от [info]pizelks


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2016-08-16 00:07 (ссылка)
Фашисты будущего будут называть себя антифашистами.
Уинстон Черчилль

Об антифашистах в целом и и очевидно о русских (генетических "антифашистах", ага) в частности.

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Re: Вспоминается...
2016-08-16 00:08 (ссылка)
Больше чем уверен, что как в воду глядел, говорил о русских.

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2016-08-16 01:49 (ссылка)
Россия вскрыла всю диверсионную сеть в Крыму. Павленскому не удалось научить одесситов каннибализму

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2016-08-16 01:56 (ссылка)
Смахивает на творчество Мавроди.

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2016-08-16 02:02 (ссылка)
домен .su же маркер однозначный известно кого

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2016-08-16 10:34 (ссылка)
Пока Адольфыч в бегах, земля слухами полнится, вот как объявится сам участник, отпишется что и как - тогда можно говорить о ясности. Были ли его действия согласованы с Павленским? Действительно ли он пришёл уже сильно пьяный на мероприятие, либо набульбенился уже непосредственно там, в душном помещении и т.д.


2016-08-16 13:28 (ссылка)
Такое же неприличное как "антипутинец" и все простестующие "против власти".


2016-08-16 13:40 (ссылка)
Сидит Гоголь на дереве и всех нахуй посылает.

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(Комментарий удалён)

2016-08-16 21:04 (ссылка)
нахуй отсюда

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2016-08-16 15:11 (ссылка)
Антифашист - современный политкорректный вариант слова коммунист

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2016-08-16 18:00 (ссылка)
а слово коммунист вариант слова жид
жид это "жидовин", т.е. враг русского народа

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2016-08-16 18:10 (ссылка)
Все верно. Какая-то благоверная еврейская поэтеса даже что-то в этом духе писала при Сталине. Что слово еврей ассоциируется со словом коммунист. Ты об этом?

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2016-08-16 18:13 (ссылка)
Но у меня в другом плане. Я про банды московских "антифашистов" в Балтии. Но там все русскоговорящие евреи. Верно. Раньше бы они назывались комсомольцами.

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2016-08-18 17:02 (ссылка)
Алигер, наверное.

В чём мы провинились, Генрих Гейне?
Чем не угодили, Мендельсон?

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2016-08-16 22:55 (ссылка)
Не в тему, но

Нелюбимые Вербицким феминистки нихуя не топят за женское обрезание, а совсем наоборот:


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2016-08-16 23:36 (ссылка)
бывают исключения (особенно в сраной, где
эти мрази к тому же и отстают на 20 лет от мировых трендов)

но в подавляющем большинстве SJW выступают за
шариат, паранджу и обрезание, что и понятно:
любой секс это изнасилование, значит, все, что ему мешает, благо


As a scholar and feminist activist who also happens to be a proud and empowered circumcised African woman, I am often castigated by mainstream (and radical) feminists about my support for the rights of women and girls who choose to uphold our ancestral tradition of female circumcision (this is the term preferred by most of us because of the parallel with male circumcision, which is important to our cultural frameworks of gender parity). This week, leading up to International Women’s Day, I am launching a new digital and print women’s quarterly called SiA and the Shabaka Stone Magazine, which is aimed at empowering other circumcised women and girls who also reject the term Female Genital Mutilation (FGM). Additionally, I have been working with other women to launch African Women are Free to Choose (AWA-FC). AWA-FC is a movement that challenges ethnocentric, racist and sexist representations that underlie the term FGM and to advocate for the same basic human rights to equality, dignity and self-determination for circumcised women and girls that are enjoyed by every other human being in the world. Here, I argue why there should be zero-tolerance for the term FGM.

We also know that white women and girls freely choose genital surgeries to improve the appearance and structure of their external genitalia. So, there is no reason to automatically presume that African women and girls are any more brainwashed or coerced than white women and girls who supposedly exercise free choice. Unless, of course, it really is about race and ethnicity. Perhaps, in the eyes of white male patriarchy (which disconcertingly includes mainstream and radical white feminists who want to police the genitals of African and other non-white women and girls yet ignore female genital surgeries within their own communities), circumcised African females are somehow inherently incapable of exercising free choice or we come from societies that prevent us from doing so. In both cases anti-FGM activists make assumptions based on race, ethnic, religious, socio-economic, cultural and geographic differences that have no relevance to the WHO definition of FGM, which clearly focuses on physical descriptions only.
The panel includes for the first time, the critical “third wave” or multicultural feminist perspectives of circumcised African women scholars Wairimu Njambi, a Kenyan, and Fuambai Ahmadu, a Sierra Leonean. Both women hail from cultures where female and male initiation rituals are the norm and have written about their largely positive and contextualized experiences, creating an emergent discursive space for a hitherto “muted group” in global debates about FGC [female genital cutting].

Dr. Ahmadu, a post-doctoral fellow at the University of Chicago, was raised in America and then went back to Sierra Leone as an adult to undergo the procedure along with fellow members of the Kono ethnic group. She has argued that the critics of the procedure exaggerate the medical dangers, misunderstand the effect on sexual pleasure, and mistakenly view the removal of parts of the clitoris as a practice that oppresses women. She has lamented that her Westernized “feminist sisters insist on denying us this critical aspect of becoming a woman in accordance with our unique and powerful cultural heritage.” In another essay, she writes:

It is difficult for me — considering the number of ceremonies I have observed, including my own — to accept that what appears to be expressions of joy and ecstatic celebrations of womanhood in actuality disguise hidden experiences of coercion and subjugation. Indeed, I offer that the bulk of Kono women who uphold these rituals do so because they want to — they relish the supernatural powers of their ritual leaders over against men in society, and they embrace the legitimacy of female authority and particularly the authority of their mothers and grandmothers.

You can read more about this in Dr. Ahmadu’s essays or in this critique of the global campaign against female genital mutilation, written by another participant in Saturday’s discussion, Richard Shweder of the University of Chicago.

Dr. Shweder says that many Westerners trying to impose a “zero tolerance” policy don’t realize that these initiation rites are generally controlled not by men but by women who believe it is a cosmetic procedure with aesthetic benefits. He criticizes Americans and Europeans for outlawing it at the same they endorse their own forms of genital modification, like the circumcision of boys or the cosmetic surgery for women called “vaginal rejuvenation.” After surveying studies of female circumcision and comparing the data with the rhetoric about its harmfulness, Dr. Shweder concludes that “‘First World’ feminist issues and political correctness and activism have triumphed over the critical assessment of evidence.”

MPs have launched an attack on the feminist writer Germaine Greer for what they say is her defence of female circumcision.

In her recent book, The Whole Woman, Ms Greer argued that attempts to outlaw the practice amounted to "an attack on cultural identity", adding: "One man's beautification is another man's mutilation."

And when you bring up freedom for women under Sharia law, she's quite honest about the fact that she doesn't have the answers. "You have to ask women who take the veil. There are English women converting to Islam. It's interesting that they say they feel free behind the veil because they are not being looked at, “she said. "Nowadays in England, little girls can't grow up to be women because they can't put on enough flesh to become a woman. They're terrified because they must have no body and a huge pair of breasts. If that commoditisation of women revolts you, you might think the strict rigour of Islam has to be better. It allows women some dignity providing they keep their modesty. You know, women are modest and diffident by nature unless societal pressures force them to be otherwise. "

She said that women should have the right to undergo genital mutilation as a form of “self-decoration” and posed the question: “If an Ohio punk has the right to have her genitalia operated on, why has not the Somali woman the same right?”


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2016-08-18 16:19 (ссылка)
Это русские пиздоболки-либералки. Ненастоящие феминистки.

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2016-08-18 16:58 (ссылка)
Это, кстати, все от фашизма.

В рашке даже феминистки не понимают, что мюсли угнетены почти как женщины или нигро.

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2016-08-20 15:44 (ссылка)
писали,охранник помер от сердечного приступа
