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[Feb. 16th, 2016|06:07 am]
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Е. Лесину

Толпятся жители у гробового входа --
Поэты, одинокие цари,
А рядом некрасивая природа
Царапает асфальты изнутри.

Глядишь на потолок сквозь воздух пыльный
И ангелов считаешь не спеша;
Поймав на острие карандаша,
Берешь за тулово и обрываешь крылья.
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[User Picture]
Date:February 16th, 2016 - 06:28 pm
You two are the very best and grossly under-appreciated Russian poets today.
[User Picture]
Date:February 16th, 2016 - 09:40 pm
In fact, there's plenty of poets, a huge lot of them,
producing extremely good pieces. Most of them
grossly under-appreciated, the effect of sheer numbers.
A curious way for an art to die out.
Date:February 16th, 2016 - 07:32 pm
никогда не понимал что это - механические манипуляции с тропами и прочим или интуитивное чувство стиха, но выходит просто офигенно (КарлФишер тоже так делал иногда, да)
[User Picture]
Date:February 16th, 2016 - 09:41 pm
КарлФишер наш старший товарищ и учитель,
но настоящие роботы, конечно, круче.
[User Picture]
Date:February 18th, 2016 - 04:54 am

OK, first of all I’m no fan of Zizek. He’s a known anti-Muslim racist and eurocentrist who has attacked my hijabi sisters siblings (correction: not every hijabi identifies as a woman) numerous times in the media. He also glorifies his childhood in stalinist (titoist) Yugoslavia, a regime which tried to wipe out Islamic identities. I would be happy if this guy just STFU forever.

Second this image is clearly meant to mock and shame users of mind-altering substances like cocaine. Seriously fuck you for telling users of “drugs” to stop doing drugs. Most users of drugs carry identities that face oppression and use drugs like cocaine to relieve themselves of the oppression they face, so you are literally mocking and shaming the people you have tons of privilege over.

Cocaine is literally less addictive than oreos. But even mocking and shaming people who eat lots of cookies carries problematic connotations of fat-shaming, ableism, classism and health privilege.