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как человек намучившийся с этим [Apr. 11th, 2008|06:45 pm]
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Date:April 11th, 2008 - 10:22 pm
Oh, please, go away.
I'd rather be stupid then be one of you. Well, I'll catch up all I need pretty fast. The academia is a sick place now, thanks to you.

BTW, Holmogor is plying common catholic pattern. This pattern is unstoppable especially if people have only two choices: slamming into the wall contest with pervasive cultures of your kind or catholic to avoid the illnesses. (I know you don't really belong to the pervasive culture and you yourself and your kids are not going to waste your lives slamming into the wall. BUT you do everything to make sure everybody else will.) Catholics as Holmogor is not much better since they just grow kids for labor and wars. This is a sad situation for your country. And all of you including all your relatives better fuck of and die in your misery. (Or at least leave alone, make it happen even if need bite off somebodies head for that.)
[User Picture]
Date:April 11th, 2008 - 10:41 pm
>Oh, please, go away.
>I'd rather be stupid then be one of you.

I see.
Well, I am going away.
Untill you learn English (or whatever language you choose
to communicate your valuable opinion), please keep in
mind that I am, well, away.
Date:April 12th, 2008 - 01:17 am
I can use Basic or Pascal, little bit of Java or Spreadsheet formulas
It would be much more suitable for conversation with you
Date:April 12th, 2008 - 03:02 am

As matter of fact for those who don't know yet

it was me.

and as matter of fact "Oh, please, go away." or "Get out of here" can be used as "C'mon"