Повседневные хроники агента Ли
24th-Oct-2009 03:26 am - Balenciaga в рисунках
Pierre-Laurent Brénot - Balenciaga, 1943

René Gruau - Maggy Rouff & Balenciaga, 1945

René Gruau - Balenciaga, 1952

Pierre Mourgue - Balenciaga, 1946

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15th-Oct-2009 09:42 pm - Carl "Eric" Erickson: изысканный реализм
Рисунки Эрика (1891-1958, настоящее имя Карл Эриксон) находились скорее под влиянием импрессионизма. Можно даже определить их как романтические.  Как правило, его иллюстрации исполнены спокойного, гармоничного, почти созерцательного настроения. Эрик умел удивительно точно воссоздать стиль одежды того времени, заостряя впечатление с помощью какой-то характерной детали: шали, шляпки, перчаток, цветка или ленты в волосах. Его манера вскоре стала визитной карточкой Vogue, с которым он сотрудничал на протяжении почти 20 лет.



14th-Jul-2009 01:17 am - Garance Dore: воздушная

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27th-May-2009 06:26 am - "How to Dress for Success" by Edith Head

A selection of illustrations by designer Edith Head, from the 1967 Random House edition of her book How to Dress for Success.

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27th-May-2009 05:29 am - Edith Head. Эскизы и костюмы.

For Mae Murray in "The Merry Widow" (1929)

For Elizabeth Taylor in the film "A Place in the Sun" (1951)

Lucille Ball as she appeared in the film "FACTS OF LIFE" (1960)

Lucille Ball for The Facts of Life (1960)

Zsa Zsa Gabor  as she appeared in the film "3 RING CIRCUS" (1954 Paramount)

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19th-May-2009 02:09 am - Antonio Lopez: Pied Piper of fashion

  "In the world of illustration, his contribution is superior to the efforts of all other fashion artists of his era."
Karl Lagerfeld

Иллюстрация, являясь концепцией презентации дизайнерских работ в журналах и альбомах, занимает отдельное место в мире моды. Неоднократно вытесняясь фотографией, она развивалась с новыми именами.

Антонио Лопес (Antonio Lopez) составил яркую часть истории «модной» иллюстрации, не только участвуя в простом отражении духа времени, но и в создании этого духа. Вместе с Энди Уорхолом и Карлом Лагерфельдом он был создателем стиля 70-х и поп-арта в «модной» графике.

Valentino 1973

 "Меня всегда вдохновляли люди. Люди - это то, что я люблю."
Антонио Лопез

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20th-Apr-2009 05:32 am - Невесты. Иллюстрации.
"A bride must have a chest full of sheets and a soul full of hope".


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12th-Apr-2009 12:33 am - Antoinette-Fleur: на вкус и цвет - фломастеры разные
15th-Mar-2009 06:32 am - Kelly Smith: небесные создания

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7th-Mar-2009 12:21 am - 60s: sewing patterns


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29th-Jan-2009 08:07 pm - Miyuki Ohashi: акварельная




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13th-Nov-2008 02:51 am - Toko Ohmori: into the bloom



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4th-Oct-2008 11:49 pm - Marguerite Sauvage: детки-конфетки

Based in Paris, France, Marguerite Sauvage has worked since 2001 as an illustrator, artist and animator creating chic modern illustrations that capture the lifestyle of today's trendsetters. Her eye-catching work is soft yet powerful, combining sophisticated European sensibilities with line-work inspired by both traditional Japanese art and contemporary Japanese culture. The result is a well-edited, light line, an eye honed to current trends in fashion, sport and design, and colorfully cosmopolitan characters rendered with a delicate hand.

Marguerite grew up in the French countryside near the small town of Coulommiers, east of Paris. She drew throughout her childhood and teenage years, particularly comics inspired by Japanese animation and European comics. A self-taught illustrator, she originally studied law and communications, and did not decide that illustration was her best means of self-expression until she graduated from University in 2001. Her name, which translates to 'daisy' in English, is indicative of her personality and her likes. She admires the strong, beautiful and feminine in life and as inspiration for her artwork. She cites the Japanese artist and animator Rumiko Takahashi as one of her main influences, saying it was Takahashi's "Lum" which inspired her to start drawing and which influenced her style of coloring in the shoulders and knees of her figures. Japan has not been her only influence, she has been inspired by travel in Thailand, Czechoslovakia Morocco and USA as well, and says everyday life is probably her biggest source of inspiration. "Happiness and anti-stress: I just want to make things prettier." she says.

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16th-Sep-2008 10:09 pm - Gemma Kenward

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26th-Aug-2008 03:48 am - Sam Vinhyl

Having decided that the adventures of his hero Lucky Luke were short on action, 5 year old Sam grabbed his pencils and proceeded to make some bloody adjustments in the margins of his favorite albums. Although this initiative was the object of some rather serious debates with his parents, the habit of drawing in the margins would never leave him.

So it was, at the age of 14, that Sam, bored with such little room to express himself, decided to move his art to the entire page, during a math exam. Considering the great succes his comic strip about the math teacher had with his friends and their parents (not so much with the teaching staff!), Sam undertook to generalize the process. A vocation was born! 

Later "Get your A levels first!" Sam joined the Camondo School of Art in Paris, to graduate as a Designer and Interior Architect. During the same period, he began to draw regularly for the Press. Over the years, his creative background and Designer profile have allowed him to navigate successively within the areas of Design and the Medias.

Today, the time of margins is over, Sam uses his talent on the full page, for the Press and in Advertising on an international level.

Upd: I just want to say 'Thanks' to [info]samvinhyl@lj for his really nice message:)

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7th-Aug-2008 09:29 pm - Bella Pilar: дневники принцессы

Bella's whimsical feminine watercolor illustrations take a traditional medium and push it to it to a fresh, pretty new place. Her strong ties to fashion began with work in visual display and a career as a make-up artist before going on to her true love, illustration. Bella was trained in art and fashion at both FIT in NY and Massachusetts College of Art in Boston. A prolific artist, Bella is writing and illustrating two children's books while working on her art assignments and personal work. Her artwork has appeared in advertising, magazines, POP, fashion, beauty, social expression, tabletop and others. Her artwork has been licensed in both the social expression and home decor industries.

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2nd-Aug-2008 04:35 pm - Jacqueline Bisset: другая Биссе

Freelancing as a fashion illustrator since leaving Epsom College in the 1980s, Jacqueline began working with many magazines along with jobs for design consultancies and forecasting companies.
Nowadays her illustrations can still be found regularly in the glossies along with many overseas publications. In recent years Jacqueline has had success with an array of exciting book covers for top publishers.
A recent commission through DDB (Paris) for Givenchy will soon be gracing ads in magazines and on billboards worldwide.
Continuous experimentation with traditional mediums and evolving her style to update keeps Jacqueline's work varied and exciting.

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19th-Jul-2008 01:54 am - Yagi Tomoko: through the looking-glass


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17th-Jun-2008 08:30 pm - Hiroko Hasegawa

Photobucket Photobucket

Photobucket Photobucket

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13th-Jun-2008 02:24 am - Сесил Битон: истинный денди

Хрупкая и печальная Одри Хепберн в костюме прекрасной цветочницы. Молодой бог Джонни Вайсмюллер в декорациях "Тарзана". Будущая королева Елизавета II в образе сказочной принцессы. А рядом – маленькая и трогательная Эйлин Данн, жертва бомбежек, на кроватке в детском госпитале. Чуть поодаль персонажи свингующего Лондона, знаменитые тусовщики шестидесятых: бунтарка Твигги в крохотном желтом платьице, Rolling Stones и Мик Джаггер, Люсьен Фрейд, Фрэнсис Бэкон.

Сесил Битон (Cecil Beaton) – любимейший британцами персонаж, один из героев нации. Англичане говорят о своей любви к нему с некоторым недоумением, как бы слегка извиняющимся тоном, какой они обычно употребляют для признаний в любви к летающему цирку Монти Пайтона или глупым выходкам мистера Бина. Как и они, фотограф – одновременно дитя традиции и ниспровергатель устоев британской нации. Его ценят  за изящество и талант, тщательно закрывая глаза на менее приглядные его черты. Он к тому же знаменитый дизайнер и художник, придумавший костюмы и декорации к самым известным театральным постановкам и кинофильмам вроде "Моей прекрасной леди". Денди и эстет в духе Оскара Уайльда, известный едкими высказываниями о своих знаменитых моделях и жизни в целом. Ветреный субъект, сделавший свою личную жизнь всеобщим достоянием: кто сейчас не знает о том, что Сесил Битон предпочитал мужчин, но при этом годами ухаживал за Гретой Гарбо, которая стойко отвергала все его предложения руки и сердца.


Cecil Beaton, Hollywood, 1932

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