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Пишет curlysue ([info]curlysue)
@ 2015-05-25 09:07:00

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бессонница пиздец
Четвертые сутки, сука, пылает станица. Зомби атакуют. А вот кому красивую картинку

Эх, все-таки надо было мне пацаном родиться, гомосеусу блядь гомоску да епт гомосексуальным блять получилось. Это было богатое слово.

Надо чаю попить, боюсь ставить чайник. Не соображаю ничего, боюсь дом спалить нахуй.

Ну ладно. Пожелайте мне удачи.

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2015-05-27 04:21 (ссылка)
the pleasure's been all mine.

PS вы поспали? а то я переживаю что-то.

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2015-05-27 05:05 (ссылка)
You would heavily pay for it :) I am just wondering how to give up wanting if I can't give back anything I get.

Yeah, I slept, thanks; just 4 hours and still feeling like a zombie but better than yesterday. Insomnia is great actually; were I ok, no fun would happen :)

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2015-05-27 11:08 (ссылка)
Do you really think this was fun? For me it's a fantastic thing to hear.

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2015-05-27 18:43 (ссылка)
Hey ho :))) I actually meant the whole thread I started being unable to do anything but silly ranting. That was fun indeed. Though, I just thought, I should have continued playing with you, I still want to try being a boy; but somehow I focused on "relationships" aspect instead of sex, and that, as always, ruined the courage, which, in turn, appeared out of idea of silent understanding that really turns me on. (If you got something of what I wrote, you are obviously smarter than I am since I really can't figure out what I truly want.)

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2015-05-27 20:13 (ссылка)
of course relationships will distract and ruin sex. actually i think this should happen more or less all the time.

the idea of silent understanding sounds really good. However, it should be difficult to achieve if one of the partners cannot keep silence while the other one cannot understand.

now, i dont think you can be a boy, but it does not matter, and the whole idea that you want to try it is exciting and arousing. i have no idea where it might end up, and i am always very curious. you know, the "curiosity killed the cat" type of curiosity.

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2015-05-27 21:57 (ссылка)
You brave heart :) do you have a gmail account?

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2015-05-27 23:35 (ссылка)
Just added you. Rideetc, you'll see.

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