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Пишет Apocalypse Won ([info]harllatham)
@ 2020-10-27 21:03:00

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Занятно -- к вопросу о взаимосвязи искусства и экономики кек

The English had found the Antwerp money market short of funds since earlier in the year, and now made use of Cologne and Augsburg as well, but as events unfolded in the next year, and the personal position of some leading lenders became precarious, the English found to their surprise that repayments were no longer pressed for, probably as the lenders were happy to keep their money abroad on loan to a secure borrower. The Dutch Revolt, which from 1585 onwards included a Dutch blockade of the River Scheldt leading to the city, was to finally destroy Antwerp as a major trading centre.

Об этом следует помнить, когда слышишь рассказы про то, как протестантизм способствовал расцвету капитализма

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2020-10-28 00:23 (ссылка)
Кальвина собрат, beelden-штурмовик.


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