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Пишет haruhi_jew ([info]haruhi_jew)
@ 2019-10-24 15:35:00

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>Russian Language - the of Sexism
>In addition to the illogical mess of inflections, the Russian language is full of sexism: in it every word is gendered, compared >with asexual English. Russian speaker is forced to give preference to one gender, the Russian rule of thumb is to pick male >gender, breeding more toxic masculinity.

Sadkov, Have you ever read a Latin grammar handbook?

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2019-10-24 18:33 (ссылка)
This is true, indeed!

Russian language is plagiarized latin. Or maybe pidgin latin.

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2019-10-24 19:35 (ссылка)
>plagiarized latin

Read something about this.

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2019-10-24 19:52 (ссылка)
Russian and Latin(and a lot other languages like Greek or Sanscrit) had inherited properties like grammar gender, declension and inflexions from their common ancestor: proto-indo-european.

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2019-10-24 20:44 (ссылка)
Modern Russian is a very new gender created in 18 the century by aristocratic masonry, which spoke both French, and before that they spoke mostly Latin. They clearly styled their new language in their taste.

Modern Russian is old Russian as mach as its Ukrainian.

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2019-10-24 20:56 (ссылка)
Hohlomova does not have another type of grammar than Russian.

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2019-10-24 20:59 (ссылка)
hohlomova has same type of grammar because it is also an artificial language.

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2019-10-24 21:02 (ссылка)
Are all Slavic languages artificial???

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2019-10-24 21:04 (ссылка)

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2019-10-24 21:19 (ссылка)
No, not all.

That in my worldview slavs descended form the mixture of lost roman slaves and Huns. So, proto-slavic language is bastardized latin.

By the way, Huns actually were from lost tribe of Israel. So, all slavs are jews.

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