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Пишет DK ([info]k_d_s)
@ 2020-04-16 06:55:00

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Настроение: sleepy
Entry tags:heimatstadt, kunst, lustig, mukke, russland, ukraine

Some people give honour to riches, others to comfort reliance
But we from on high have been granted to choose the labour of science
To choose the road most intrepid, the path of the great pioneer
The path on the trail of knowledge, from it we never shall veer

Science is our happiness, truth is our ideal
Finding life's integral is a perplexing ordeal
All these mysteries' puzzles, they make our blood boil
We creep up to these secrets, science, oh, how I love you

There's no easy path to contentment, we take risks when the thunder rolls
Through lighting and tempests we go to reach all our cherished goals
We just need to keep our faith, serve the Homeland as best we can
Cast the pipe dream of glory aside, live in a brotherhood of man

Science is our happiness, truth is our ideal
Finding life's integral is a perplexing ordeal
All these mysteries' puzzles, they make our blood boil
We creep up to these secrets, science, oh, how I love you

Oh, what a fleeting joy to open these mysteries up wide
And how sweet for my soul to swim against the tide
Refuting all opinions and sneers of those we oppose
Oh, how we've always dreamt of keeping this path that we chose

Science is our happiness, truth is our ideal
Finding life's integral is a perplexing ordeal
All these mysteries' puzzles, they make our blood boil
We creep up to these secrets, science, oh, how I love you

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2021-03-26 05:39 (ссылка)
я твою мать ебал и тебя ебать буду

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